Do dogs go to heaven? I lost my best friend today and have been looking for answers. I found Psalm 36:6, but just wanted to know others thoughts.
The concept of a specific “dog heaven” is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. However, many people find solace in the belief that all creatures, including dogs, are part of God’s creation and may be reunited with their loved ones in the afterlife.
Years ago, I was nine at the time, I had an argument with a teacher over whether or not animals went to heaven. My teacher insisted that, since animals had no soul, they could not enter Heaven. I was quite pissed off, because my parents and grandparents have always had dogs and I loved them as dear family members. So I wasn’t having any of it.
This teacher was a religious man. Very Christian, I believe he was a Calvinist? Anyway he was half-Dutch and nine-year-old me was quite big into history. I remember a story my teacher had told me of his homeland… see they had this German-Dutch nobleman-turned-rebel called William of Orange, nicknamed ‘the silent’ for his refusal to disclose his political beliefs or debate others on theirs.

This William was once a subject of the Spanish King Philip, but had started a rebellion against the Spanish and was hugely successful in this endeavour. Anyway the Spanish King was quite angry, needless to say, and unable to defeat the rebels in the field, he sent assassins to kill the rebel leader.
They eventually succeeded after many attempts. But one of the first attempts had failed because William’s loyal dog started barking as the hired gun entered his bed chambers… William arose and was able to overcome the assassin because of his loyal dog.
The dog was called Pompey, after the Roman general. When finally in 1584 the Spanish managed to get William of Orange killed, the rebels had already fortified their positions and won many battles — the Netherlands was all but independent and would eventually win the war against the Spanish…
They buried the Dutch founding father, and on the statue on top of his grave, near his feet, they put the little dog who saved him and his rebellion. Had the dog not been so loyal to his master, I reminded the teacher, his country would not have existed. So how come a just and righteous God would deny brave Pompey Heaven?
Do dogs go to heaven?
There is no definitive answer on whether dogs go to heaven, but some believe they might:
- Some say animals don’t have eternal soulsSome sources say that animals don’t have eternal souls and therefore aren’t in the afterlife.
- Others say animals might be in heavenSome believe that animals could be in heaven because God said that animals were very good, and scripture tells us that animals are in heaven.
- Some Catholic authors consider the possibilitySome Catholic authors have considered the possibility that Aquinas was wrong and that there will be animals in heaven.
- Scripture doesn’t provide enough evidenceCrossway Articles says that scripture doesn’t provide enough evidence to make a firm claim to expect it.
- Some say heaven will include animalsSome say that heaven will include animals, such as wolves and lambs living together, leopards lying down with baby goats, and calves and yearlings being safe with lions.
I’m sorry for your loss. Scripture doesn’t say anything about dead animals returning to life and going to either Heaven or Hell. Just humans. While it’s not impossible for God to resurrect or re-create your dog for you in Heaven, there’s nothing in Scripture to say that he will. Either way, if you end up in Heaven, you’ll end up happy.
Ecc. 3:21 says “Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?”
Whatever humans have that goes someplace after we die, apparently animals have the same thing.
Job 38:41 says ,” Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food?” Evidently, animals are aware of God and pray to Him. What this means to me is that it’s possible animals go to Heaven.
The Bible doesn’t tell us that.
However, I think they do because….the only reason we might not be with God forever is because we have free will- and our sin can separate us from God. That’s why we need Jesus to be our savior and bridge that gap between us and God. But animals don’t need a savior; animals don’t have free will. God made animals and they don’t really have anything separating them from Him.
Lol. Here’s an edited Facebook post about my dog I made today:
My dog is a jerk.
Wife and Son are at the mall. I’d like to take a nap.
Dog: Howl! Let me in the bedroom.
Dog: Growl! Let me out of the bedroom.
Dog: Scratch! Let me back in.
Me: *leaves door open*
Dog: I’m going to whine at the foot of the bed until you stop trying to take a nap.
Me: *gets up*
Dog: *climbs in bed and goes to sleep*
The Bible says very little about animals going to heaven.However, just because the Bible is mostly silent about where our furry best friend goes when they die, does NOT mean our pets go to hell, or limbo or cease to exist.
It just means that God has not given us that particualar answer yet.
Becuase the Bible really mainly focuses on human beings and the afterlife, and teaches very little about our furry friends when they die, many Christians and theologians have speculated for hundreds of years on if our pets ( dogs, cats, horses, turtles etc. ) go to Heaven when they pass on. Despite hundreds of years of debate, there is no consensus. There is no definite Christian teaching on the matter.
What do I personally think? I think God is, by His very nature, a good Father, who is loving, kind and compassionate. I think He cares just as much for His children as our Earthly parents do, and in light of that, I think it is reasonable to say that God would, in His great love for us, most likely allow our beloved pets into Heaven with us, so we can be together forever.
I feel for your pain. And I hope you know that God deeply loves you, and your pet, as well.
Do dogs go to heaven? I lost my best friend today and have been looking for answers. I found Psalm 36:6, but just wanted to know others thoughts.
Personally, I’m 100% sure you will share eternity with animals, and your much loved pets!!!
A few years ago I discovered a Christian author, who is also an astrophysicist. His name is Dr. Hugh Ross. He is an amazing person who thinks outside the box. I bought his book, *Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job. Chapter 8 I found particularly interesting as it deals with this topic. Its title is ‘Origin of Soulish and Spiritual Qualities’. It discusses the fact that scientific observation has found that, in truth, some birds out perform apes in the use of simple tools to retrieve food from a trap that can only be accessed from one end. Defying the Darwinian prediction. (Page 126).
Dr. Ross also discusses the passages in the Book of Job which relate to each argument he presents.
So, if certain birds out think mammals, what about the intellect of our shared species, mammals? Have you ever seen documentaries about Elephants and watched the extreme lengths they go to to help a young Elephant in trouble? It really is A-MA-ZING to watch them surround and close ranks to protect a calf when a predator is around, they are highly intelligent and have human like qualities.
Dolphins are also a highly intelligent mammal. There’s so many stories of how dolphins have come to the rescue of drowning people, and have supported them by using their long dolphin beak to nudge them to the surface so they can breathe. Also, other stories include them surrounding a human when sharks have been swimming close to them!
These are the type of animals Dr. Ross refers to as Soulish.
As humans we really need to STOP second guessing God’s plans for eternity and who and what He wants to include in the new heaven and the new earth. Why should we be so arrogant to assume that birds, mammals, and other creatures, will not be included in His new world.
It also says in………
Isaiah 11:6
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. (KJV)
I find this verse convincing enough on its own to prove animals will be with us in the next world. But, I’m sure some scholars and theologians will disagree with me, claiming this simply means there will be peace, divine peace between former enemies! We all have the right to interpret the scriptures how we understand them.
Shalom ✌️
God bless 🙏🙏🙏
* Dr. Hugh Ross can also be found on YouTube. There’s a video which deals with his various books including Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job.
Why is it a theory that dogs do not have a soul or they don’t go to Heaven?
This claim that dogs and animals generally do not have a Soul arises from the human ego which likes to regard itself as special and superior. In fact of course humans are animals as well and in many ways vastly inferior to other animals – no other animal could mess up the planet like humans have or treat others members of its species so badly – generally speaking.
I have received many questions about this over the years and wrote a whole chapter in my book, “Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind” about this very subject due to its very significance.
All animals have a Soul and Spirit just as the human animal does. The only difference between animals and humans in the grand scheme of things is that animals are on a different path to the same ultimate destination – Divine Source.
When people shed their physical shell and transition to the Astral, they are very often reunited with pre-deceased much loved animal companions. So please disregard those who seek to diminish animals in some way. ALL life is an equally loved expression and aspect of Source.
Do dogs go to heaven?
As you read this, try hearing it in Morgan Freeman’s voice.
I awoke from the most beautiful dream. I was jogging along a dirt road underneath a gorgeous, blue, cloudless sky. Never had I felt so alive.
I didn’t stop to ask or wonder how I had gotten there. I just kept jogging, then walking, and breathing in that fresh air, which reminded me of those weekends of my childhood spent at my aunt and uncle’s farm in Ripley, Ohio.
Up ahead, I saw a small wooden bridge, the kind we see in community parks that span small creeks – it looked like treated lumber, but this one was ancient, I could tell.
As I drew closer, I saw beyond the bridge, a beautiful and fragrant field of clover and wildflowers all growing in abundance. I stopped and breathed it all in. I felt as if I could dive into the undergrowth of all that wondrous beauty and roll around in it for hours.
But then, I saw that meadow was filled with dogs of every breed and stripe you can imagine. They were running, playing, and chasing one another like they hadn’t a care in the world.
They indeed didn’t have a care, but it took me a moment to comprehend such a wondrous truth.
There, within that joyous dog party, arose three familiar canines, ears upwards, noses testing the scent.
They recognized me immediately. There was Jiffy, Butch, and Jenny, running all out to reach me, and I was so glad to see my long lost companions that I fell over weeping with joy as they converged upon me, licking my face and dancing for joy.
Oh, what a beautiful and joyous reunion and celebration.
I was reunited with the best friends I had ever known.
We walked on towards a glorious light, dancing, prancing, weeping, and reuniting. Truly, I had reached Heaven’s Gates.
Those pearly gates swung wide, and a man came out to meet me – Jesus, my dearest friend, through my deepest lows and highest joys.
He smiled and embraced me.
“Welcome, my friend. Enter into the joy of your master. Well done, good and faithful servant,” He said.
I hesitated. “Thank you, Lord. But what about my dogs? May they come too?”
My Lord smiled. “Of course. Come on, you big ol’ dogs!” He said, patting Jenny’s scruffy head. She barked happily in response.
What a beautiful and happy place is heaven.
All are welcome through faith in Jesus Christ.
May God bless you all.
If they’re Hindu dogs then they certainly do go to heaven. All they have to do is contemplate on Sarama – the guard dog of Lord Yama when they’re dying and they’ll hit the jackpot! An eternity of romping, roaming and cavorting in green fields and woodlands, buckets full of delicious dog-food and dozens of sexy bitches to copulate with.
At the end of the Mahabharata war Yuddhisthira ascends to the mountain tops followed by a dog. The gods invite him to mount a chariot and enter heaven, he refuses unless the faithful dog can accompany him, the gods at first refuse and when Yuddhisthira remains adamant declaring he’d be happy to forgo heaven for the sake of the dog – the dog turns in Yama the king of the Death and the Lord of Dharma and blesses him for his compassion.
Bhairava, an aspect of Shiva is always accompanied by dogs as is Dattatreya. As as you can see these photographs prove conclusively that there are dogs in heaven. On Bhairava Asthami Festival dogs are honoured and blessed so that they will all go straight to heaven.
Our dog of 8.5 years is gone. Do all dogs go to heaven?
I was laying in bed one night contemplating the age old question, “are there dogs in Heaven” when I heard a voice. I’ll paraphrase the conversation.
Voice: My son, why do you ask?
Me: Well, some theologians claim only humans have souls, so only humans can go to Heaven
Voice: And what is Heaven?
Me: It’s an eternal reward for the faithful
Voice: Yes it is. And what is in Heaven?
Me: Heaven is a place of pure love and joy.
Voice: My son, What animal is more faithful than a dog?
Me: Uh….. There isn’t one
Voice: Is there any animal on Earth more loving than a dog?
Me: Not that I can think of.
Voice: Do dogs bring joy?
Me: Without a doubt, YES!
Voice: So of course there will be dogs in Heaven.
You can decide whether to believe me or not. I was there, that is the conversation I had. I honestly believe there are dogs in Heaven and that I’ll be reunited with my dogs in due time.
Yes I believe so, God created the garden of Eden and filled it full of animals before he put adam and eve there. God knew how important it was for us to have animals around us.
Think of it like this. When loving parents bring a new life into this world they create an environment for the baby before it is even born. The parents buy clothes and toys and soft teddy bears and books and create a safe, warm, loving nursery filled with wonderful things that will nurture and grow their loved child.
God was creating a nursery for his children, he filled it with good and wonderful things that he knew we would need. Animals were in the nursery. So yes I believe animals go to heaven and I believe that when the old world has passed away and the new eternal world is created it too will be filled with animals.
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Do dogs go to heaven?