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Do you believe the story of a Peruvian wolf spider laying eggs in a man’s toe?

Do you believe the story of a Peruvian wolf spider laying eggs in a man’s toe?

No, experts say that the story of a Peruvian wolf spider laying eggs in a man’s toe is invalid. 

Spiders are predators that eat small animals and insects. They cannot lay eggs inside humans. Even if they did, the eggs would likely not survive in the hostile environment of a human body. 

Spiders need oxygen to live, and spiders’ eggs and baby spiders also need oxygen to develop and survive. There is no oxygen in the tight, wet flesh under your skin. 

But this story about a wolf spider bite cannot be true, he told Stuff. “No spider is capable of what the spider is accused of in the story. Spiders just don’t lay their eggs inside people, but there are persistent urban myths about them doing so.”

No scientific evidence or documented cases support the idea of a Peruvian wolf spider laying eggs on a person’s toe. Wolf spiders are not known for parasitizing humans in such a manner. While some spiders may bite humans, the idea of them laying eggs inside a person’s body is generally a myth or an exaggeration.

It’s essential to verify information with reliable sources and consult experts in biology or entomology for accurate and evidence-based information. If you have concerns about spider bites or any unusual symptoms, it’s advisable to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

There isn’t any scientific evidence supporting the claim that a Peruvian wolf spider (Lycosa tarantula) or any other wolf spider species lays eggs in a human’s toe. Wolf spiders do not lay their eggs in living organisms.

Wolf spiders are known for their solitary and non-social behavior. They typically create silk-lined burrows or retreats where they deposit their eggs. The female wolf spider carries the egg sac attached to her spinnerets until the eggs hatch. The spider then takes the spiderlings on her abdomen before they disperse.

Stories like the one you mentioned often fall into the realm of urban legends or misconceptions. While wolf spiders can deliver bites if provoked or threatened, they do not lay eggs inside humans or other animals.

It’s essential to rely on accurate information from reputable sources and not give credence to sensational or scientifically unfounded tales. If you have concerns about spider bites or any unusual symptoms, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

Can spiders or insects indeed lay eggs inside the human ear canal?

Most cannot; all won’t.

Spiders won’t crawl into your ear. If they do, it is unsuitable for leaving an egg sack: it is too hot, and there are no flying insects for their babies to catch. Same with insects: unless you have hairy ears and a headlouse problem, your ear canal is not ideal for leaving eggs.

Rarely, some insects like roaches have been found in ears. They don’t want to be there any more than you want them there, though! They made a mistake and got stuck.

Would you step on a spider “pregnant” with eggs?

I don’t kill spiders. I was taught as a kid that spiders are good bugs; they help eat the nasty bugs in your house. They look scary, but if you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone and eat bad bugs for you.

I occasionally capture spiders and throw them outside if they come too close to me (like crawl on my desk), but I don’t kill them. Although I’ve never seen a pregnant spider… if I did, I probably wouldn’t kill it.

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People who get bitten by a spider then get a large bump on their body. The bump then turns into hundreds of baby spiders. Can that happen?

No. Spiders bite with modified jaws, just like people do (but their jaws are built and work differently.) Spider bites often cause a small, itchy bump, but it is just a reaction to the bite.

Egg laying is different and happens in another part of the spider’s body.

It would be like getting pecked by a chicken and having a chick emerge from the wound.

Do female wolf spiders need to mate to lay eggs?

Yes, female wolf spiders need to mate to lay fertile eggs. After mating, the female wolf spider will lay her eggs in a silk-lined sac that she carries with her or attaches to her spinnerets. The number of eggs in the sac can vary depending on the species but can range from a few dozen to several hundred.

It’s worth noting that while male wolf spiders are known for their elaborate courtship rituals, in which they tap and wave their pedipalps to attract a mate, female wolf spiders can reproduce asexually without needing a male mate. 

This process, known as parthenogenesis, involves the female producing offspring without fertilization and is more commonly observed in isolated populations or species with limited access to mates. However, parthenogenesis is not the primary mode of reproduction in most wolf spider species, and females still require a male mate to produce fertile eggs.wolf spider laying eggs

Will spiders lay eggs in your clothes?

Only the Rayon Spider does that, and it lives only in the Polyester Islands. In most parts of the world, no worries. But with global warming upsetting the biogeography, who knows what the future holds?

I heard that the pink-toe tarantula can leap; is that true?

Pink Toes are a group of arboreal tarantula species, and as a result, most (if not all?) have a high degree of mobility and agility. This does include a reasonably significant “leap” ability, a necessary skill when you live in a rainforest canopy.

As a result, I don’t handle my pink toes and only take them out when I can’t safely work on its cage with it still inside. While the bite risk is nonexistent (someone somewhere has been bitten, but you never hear about it), the real risk is to the tarantula itself.

They are docile but easily spooked; once disturbed, they take off like lightning. Like any panicked creature, it makes poor choices and sometimes jumps to its doom, and if you’re not ready for it, it can escape into your house, where it may not be easy to recover it safely. wolf spider laying eggs

If you MUST take your pink toe out, do it close to the floor, away from walls, and try not to do it alone, preferably with someone who is not afraid of tarantulas. The last thing you want is a pink toe to escape onto your back where you can’t see or reach it.

In this video, a man lets one leap from hand to hand. This one probably isn’t even running as fast as it could since I’ve seen them nearly teleport up people’s arms and out onto the walls in no time.

I suspect that so many pet store pink toes are missing a leg that they frequently dodge the pet store employees and lose a leg in the process of being apprehended.

Is it possible for spiders to lay eggs in a human?

No. It’s urban legends, myth and Hollywood. Spiders are pretty resourceful predators they are also aware that you are a living creature and one thing I’ve learned from studies of these marvels is that they put their egg sacs in a secure location away from predators, you are a predator, a big one! I think you’d notice if a spider put it’s egg sac in your ear, especially if like the Wolfie (Lycosidae sundevall) one of my favourite little spiders they are constantly checking on their young.

Wolfie is carrying her spiderlings.
You’d certainly be aware of it! It’s thanks to Hollywood and urban myths that spiders are made out to be parasitic; nothing could be further from the truth. They want nothing to do with humans, full stop. There has never been a case of spiders laying eggs in humans, and there never will be

Are wolf spiders aggressive?

Here is a beautiful male I encountered tonight. He was perched on a blade of grass, actively hunting. I initially saw him because of his eyeshine.

He was not going to take any junk from this huge female Homo sapiens. He turned toward me and made a little stomping motion with his feet! Adorable!! I adore wolf spiders! I work with them all the time in the field. In addition, I have had 3 Carolina wolf spiders as pets. 

Aggressive? No, not at all, for the most part. Most either run like hell from you or freeze in place to avoid attracting attention. I have handled many without incident. You might have a male try to stand up to you now and then. Two decided to take me on, ran up my arm, and jumped off! Lol! Only two females have nipped me.

One bit me because she was loose in a bedroom, and I was afraid someone would accidentally step on her. She ran into a corner…and I stupidly tried to use a finger to get her to run into a cup. She pinched me with her fangs. No puncture wounds. No venom. Just a healthy pinch to say, “Stop, damn it!” The other female who bit me a bit under very similar circumstances.

 In that case, I sustained a minor injury resulting in a tiny fang mark and one drop of blood. In both instances, there was redness and swelling for about 15 minutes, and that was it. I will not say that the pinches weren’t painful. They were! Those gals had surprisingly strong jaws. But there was no damage. Just a couple of girls warning me off. Shoot.

 I’ve had far worse from dogs, cats, and one camel!! I’m serious! So, back to your original question: Are wolf spiders aggressive? No, not particularly. I will leave you with a photo of my vast Carolina wolf, Valeria, who regularly crawls on me and puts a spindly leg on my finger when I open her cage! wolf spider laying eggs

Do wolf spiders lay eggs in sacs? If so, what color are they?

Yes, wolf spiders (family Lycosidae) are known to lay eggs in silk sacs. Unlike other spiders that build elaborate webs to catch prey or protect their eggs, wolf spiders are hunters who actively roam and do not build webs for these purposes.

A wolf spider egg sac is usually a round or oval-shaped silken structure. The female wolf spider attaches the egg sac to her spinnerets or sometimes holds it in her chelicerae (mouthparts). The silk sac 

Protects the developing eggs and spiderlings.

Egg sac color can vary between different species of wolf spiders. It can be white, beige, tan, or brown. The color often blends in with the spider’s surroundings, helping camouflage the sac and protect it from predators. The difference in coloration is an adaptation to the spider’s habitat, which provides some degree of concealment for the eggs. wolf spider laying eggs

How would you know if your spider laid an egg on a human?

Spiders don’t do that, so if there’s an egg, you can rest assured that it’s not a spider egg.

Spiders create silk egg sacs filled with dozens or even hundreds of eggs. They build them in a secluded place where they will remain undisturbed, not on a living creature.

Are skinwalkers actually real, or just want to scare you by lying?

People who get bitten by a spider then get a large bump on their body. The bump then turns into hundreds of baby spiders. Can that happen?


Spiders don’t make babies with their mouths any more than you do.

Now, I suppose there may be a spider species somewhere that lays its eggs under the skin of mammals, though I’ve never heard of such a thing. Spiders are generally predators, not parasites. In any case, that wouldn’t be a bite.

Other animals lay eggs under human skin, though—parasites of that type do exist. They’re just not spiders.

How would you know if your spider laid an egg on a human?

Spiders are programmed (instincts = organic “programs”) to lay their eggs only under certain conditions, usually in certain places. They only have a little flexibility in how and where they produce an egg sac, and humans aren’t something a spider would lay eggs on. Even if the human in question was dead, dead animals tend to attract things that would probably be only too happy to eat spider eggs.

So, spiders don’t lay eggs on humans, which is not something you need to worry about. You would be better off worrying about what you will do if the moon crashes onto Earth.

What’s the dream interpretation of a flying yellow spider chasing me and biting me on the right foot? I had a fight with it and had difficulty pulling it out, and after, my foot was swollen with multiple bite marks. I’m a woman. I appreciate any help you can provide.

Careful of an unexpected attack from an enemy you see as your friend. They are after you, but if you are not aware of this, pray and be watchful because their attack could leave you with an excruciating wound. In the spirit realm, you have been attacked already because the spiritual dictates the physical be prayerful, and God will see you through.

Is it true that the fangs of an Australian funnel web spider can bite through a shoe?

Like other Mygalomorphae (also incorrectly called Orthognatha) —an infraorder of spiders that includes the tropical tarantulas —these spiders have fangs that point straight down the body and do not point towards each other (cf Araneomorphae). They have ample venom glands that lie entirely within their chelicerae. Their fangs are large and powerful, capable of penetrating fingernails and soft shoes.wolf spider laying eggs

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Can spiders lay eggs inside of humans?


Spiders are free-living predators. They are not parasites. They hunt and trap small prey. There aren’t even any arachnids that can lay their eggs INSIDE of humans. However, there are no endoparasites arachnids.

I have been telling people how valuable and harmless spiders are. But I have been remiss; I’m not describing arachnid ectoparasites. Some readers may have mistaken an arachnid ectoparasite for a spider.

Other arachnids are ectoparasites. Ticks and dust mites are ectoparasite arachnids. Dust mites are arachnids that can lay eggs ON a human. However, they can’t lay eggs IN a human. Dust mites are microscopic. They are much smaller than spiders.

Ticks are arachnids that drink mammalian blood. Mammals here include both humans and deer. Ticks carry diseases between deer and humans.

A tick bites a mammal. , and swell with blood. They are smaller and fatter compared to spiders. They spread rickettsia diseases like Lymes disease. Also, Rocky Mountain spotted illness and maybe typhus.

Tick bites don’t hurt in the sense of pain, But they are very dangerous. Ticks don’t make webs or eat insects.

When found on humans, a tick holds on tight while still drinking blood. A spider does not hang on to the skin.

From a human standpoint, ticks have no known use. They are ectoparasites. Spiders at least reduce the number of insect vermin. Ticks are found on human bodies, sucking away. Spiders are primarily indifferent to humans.

Spiders don’t ambush sleeping people in bed. If they did, the person would wake up immediately. A tick does seek out humans. The tick bite doesn’t hurt. The tick often leaves the human undetected. The person usually gets a rickettsia disease without knowing how he caught it.

Can spiders lay eggs in your lung cavity?

No. No spider would get into your lung cavity unless you were dead and somebody hacked your body apart, leaving the major arteries and veins open to the air. But I doubt that any spider would go in there while you were still wet, and you would probably be totally decayed before you could dry.

Your mouth is sticky. You tend to either spit things out or chew them and either spit them out or swallow them. You would cough violently if a spider started down your air intake passage. You would experience yourself as choking. You would mash it up while coughing and trying to get the stuff out of your throat.

Spiders don’t like wet places, especially for egg sac making and storing. They would prefer something with protection and good ventilation if they are the kind of spider that hangs its egg sacs on something. If they are web-weavers, they generally turn their egg sacs close to their webs. 

Some spiders live in caves, but I’m pretty sure they tend to keep their eggs near the top. Some spiders live in forest litter and would probably find a sheltered niche somewhere to build a shelter and keep their eggs there. Wolf spiders and nursery web spiders put their eggs in a sac and carry the sac along with them. 

The nearest thing to what you are thinking of are spiders that live in burrows in the ground. But those places are generally silk-lined and kept dry. I can’t think of any spiders that would approve of going into a wet, stinky, carbon dioxide-belching, mucous-coated hole and then heading down into a constricted place where all the icky stuff is more concentrated. wolf spider laying eggs

Could a spider get inside your shoe and bite you with your socks on?

I’ll skip the snark and point out that, yes, spiders, stinging ants, or scorpions that get in your shoe can bite or sting through your sock, mainly if your socks are thin.

Scorpions, in particular, can sting through socks. If you’re camping or backpacking, shake out your boots every morning to avoid arthropod issues…

Is there a spider that lays eggs under your skin?

The question: Is there a spider that lays eggs under your skin?

No. There are no spiders that will lay eggs under your skin or crawl under your skin. Spiders need oxygen to live, eggs need oxygen to develop, and baby spiders need oxygen to survive. There is no oxygen in the tight, wet flesh under your skin.

Also, baby spiders are practically microscopic when they emerge from their eggs. Their fangs are far too tiny and weak to pierce human skin, so there is no way that they could somehow gnaw through layers of flesh from the inside to emerge.

There are neither spiders nor spider eggs under anybody’s skin.

This kind of thing is an often repeated myth with many variations. Snopes, com, a website that investigates urban legends and exposes them as false (usually) or actual, addresses at least two ridiculous versions of this myth:

Although Snopes determined the second one to be only “Probably False,” I would deem it entirely false. (I think Chris Buddle, the expert quoted in the story, was just being conservative and gentle with his answers) It is implausible, and I don’t buy it for a second.

Do spiders lay eggs in live prey?

No. Female spiders lay their eggs in a silk-wrapped egg sack attached to a sheltered area before abandoning it.

The species of some female spiders protect their egg sack until the eggs hatch.

Now some wasps (the insect, not the people) lay THEIR eggs in their live prey . . . spiders.

What is the difference between a shopping center and a mall?

Do spiders lay eggs in live prey?

No. Female spiders lay their eggs in a silk-wrapped egg sack attached to a sheltered area before abandoning it.

The species of some female spiders protect their egg sack until the eggs hatch.

Now some wasps (the insect, not the people) lay THEIR eggs in their live prey . . . spiders.

Is it possible for spiders to lay eggs in a human?

Spiders first make an open cup of silk fibers when they lay eggs. Then, they lay eggs in the cup, pull the upper edges together, and seal the whole thing into a sphere. Depending on the genus, the egg sag can be hung up in a web, at the edges of a web, in a protected place, carried around until the eggs hatch, etc.

Spiders cannot dig a pea-sized hole in a human and put an egg sac into the hole. Unlike bot flies, baby spiders have no provision for getting out of anything except for an egg sac, and often, the mother spider helps them cut through the touch structure.

So, no known spider can do what you suggest. I agree with Nishant Sharma that a tiny spider might put its egg sac into an ear or nose. Still, the ear “wax” would probably be the worst environment for baby spiders to emerge into, and the nose of most humans would sneeze them out before the mother spider even got started. 

I also don’t know of spiders that are likely to stay on a human body for very long. Jumping spiders will occasionally spend some time exploring a human hand, but that’s only possible if the human doesn’t go about its usual tasks. Even the jumping spiders keep moving after they’ve checked things out, and any shaking or other rapid movement will likely cause them to bail out on a string of climbing thread. wolf spider laying eggs

I heard that the pink-toe tarantula can leap; is that true?

Yes, indeed, they can !! Quite a surprise for new keepers, as these are a perfect choice for the beginner because of their calm, docile nature !! Well, most of them, anyway!!! Remember, they don’t associate human contact with holding, etc. 

They have been known to jump straight out from a keeper’s hand. Therefore, care needs to be taken not to surprise them ….I’ve kept many tarantula spiders, including pink toes, for years.

Where do spiders keep their eggs?

They spin egg sacs into which they lay their eggs. They then spin more silk to close the sac up and hang them in their web or den. They look like silken white round balls or blobs.

In the case of species such as the wolf spider, the egg sac is kept attached to the underneath of the spider’s abdomen until the eggs hatch out.

Wolf spiders are excellent mothers. While nursing the egg sac, they are doubtful to feed and will fight to the death to defend their young. They carry the newly hatched spiderlings or slings on their body until the slings are old enough to crawl off and survive on their own. wolf spider laying eggs