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How many states does Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

The Appalachian Mountain Range goes through 15 states in the United States: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. 

Explanation: The Appalachian Mountains extend from the northern part of the U.S. in Maine all the way down to Alabama in the south. 

The Appalachian Mountain Range extends through 14 states in the eastern United States. These states are:

  1. Maine
  2. New Hampshire
  3. Vermont
  4. Massachusetts
  5. Connecticut
  6. New York
  7. New Jersey
  8. Pennsylvania
  9. Maryland
  10. West Virginia
  11. Virginia
  12. North Carolina
  13. Tennessee
  14. Georgia

The range is known for its diverse ecosystems, rich history, and scenic beauty.

The Appalachian Mountains are located in 15 states in the United States. These states are: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama.

The Appalachian Mountains go through Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. That is 18 states.

A recent comment to this answer mentions Quebec and New Brunswick as well. Since (most of) Canada’s political subdivisions are generally referred to as provinces rather than states, I hadn’t thought to consider including Canadian territory in my answer.

However, now that we are also considering Canada…

The Wikipedia article on the Appalachian Mountains states that the mountain range indeed goes through Quebec and New Brunswick as mentioned, plus Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador as well. Furthermore, the article also mentions that the Appalachians go through the French overseas territory of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a small island archipelago off the coast of Newfoundland.

So that means the Appalachian Mountains actually go through a part of France!

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

18 states. Those are:

1. Alabama
2. Georgia
3. Tennesse
4. South Carolina
5. North Carolina
6. Virginia
7. West Virginia
8. Kentucky
9. Maryland
10. Pennsylvania
11. New Jersey
12. New York
13. Massachusetts
14. Vermont
15. New Hampshire
16. Maine
18. Ohio

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

Where is the Appalachian Trail? What states does it go through?

The Appalachian trail runs around 2,200 miles (3,500km) from Georgia to Maine.

The complete list of states, in order when northbound, is Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

Let me list them –

Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, probably part of New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire and Vermont. Maybe Maine. I’m pretty sure Maine. Massachusetts. Also parts of Connecticut and Maryland – a bit.

That’s 18.

What mountain range runs through the Eastern United States?

The Appalachians run throughout the eastern United States, all the way north to Canada, ending around Newfoundland. The southernmost point, meanwhile, is in Alabama. They run for approximately 4,000 kilometres! (about 2,500 miles)

The Appalachians are extremely old for a mountain range. They used to reach heights similar to the Himalayas now (perhaps even taller) about 500 million years ago, but erosion has greatly reduced most of the mountains to be large hills.

They are truly gorgeous, especially around Pennsylvania! I would recommend visiting them for hikes. They’re especially nice on crisp autumn days.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

These are the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachians. This image is also from Wikipedia.

This is another photo, from Blue Ridge in Georgia. Thank you Ahmad Nisar for this photo!

I hope that this answers your question! If you have any more questions, then feel free to ask.

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How many miles of the Appalachian trail are in each state?

The Appalachian Trail is a 2,180-mile long footpath that stretches from Georgia to Maine. It passes through 14 states and traverses 8 national parks, 6 national forests, and numerous state parks and public lands. The approximate mileage of the trail in each state is as follows:

  • Georgia: 75 miles
  • North Carolina: 78 miles
  • Tennessee: 298 miles
  • Virginia: 552 miles
  • West Virginia: 4 miles
  • Maryland: 42 miles
  • Pennsylvania: 229 miles
  • New Jersey: 72 Miles
  • New York: 102 Miles
  • Connecticut: 51 Miles
  • Massachusetts: 91 Miles
  • Vermont: 150 Miles
  • New Hampshire: 164 Miles
  • Maine 293 Miles

The Appalachian Trail is considered one of America’s most iconic long-distance hiking trails and has been named an official National Scenic Trail. It offers hikers the opportunity to experience some of the country’s most breathtakingly beautiful landscapes and take part in a journey that can take anywhere from six months to nearly a year to complete.

Hikers will traverse rolling hills and lush forestland, cross rushing streams or rivers, climb high mountain peaks, traverse boulder fields, and catch glimpses of stunning views. Along the way they will also experience dozens of different climates ranging from hot humid summers to cold snowy winters in the higher elevations of the trail.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

What state are the Appalachian Mountains in?

This is a great question because culturally and geographically Appalachia are different places.

Geographically Appalachia and the Appalachian Mountains cover states including Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick.

Culturally however Appalachia is usually only considered Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, Western parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Southern Ohio.

These regions are typically associated with coal and stone mining, abject poverty, extreme biodiversity, a rural lifestyle, bluegrass music and a moderate temperate rainforest climate.

Which states does the USA’s longest mountain range run through?

The easiest way to answer that is to look at a decent map (one showing topography as well as political boundaries).

The major mountain ranges in the US are the Rockies, the Appalachians, the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges. The Rockies are the overall ‘longest’ chain, extending from northern Canada through the US and down into Central America.

Do the appalachian mountains go through Canada?

Yes. They cross the northern portion of New Brunswick, trailing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the end of the Gaspe Peninsula:

By one measure, though, they don’t really stop there. The Appalachians were formed as a result of continental drift, and the collision of the North American and African land masses.

At the time of their formation, the Appalachians and the Atlas Mountains of North Africa were part of the same mountain chain, separated as those continents drifted back apart. So you could say that the Appalachians extend from Canada across Morocco and Algeria all the way to Tunisia. How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

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Do the Appalachian Mountains go to England?

Badly phrased and geographically confused though it is this is not an entirely stupid question.

Back in the days when Pangea was a continent the mountain range that is currently known as the Appalachians did extend north west through what is now Newfoundland and then on to the island of Britain. The rocks and strata in ranges in northern Ireland and Scotland are geologically the same as those in Appalachia, and the same strata again turn up in the Atlas mountains of North Africa, excellent evidence for continental drift.

This map shows the modern remnants of various parts of what were once the Central Pangaean Mountains.

These mountains had been built up in earlier aeons as the North American, European and African continental plates had collided to form Pangaea. When Pangaea broke up again it was amongst these folded mountains that the rifts slowly appeared.

Was there a natural mountain pass through the Appalachian Mountains?

There were and are many.

The best known and most often utilized include Cumberland Gap, near the meetup of Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia; Appalachian Gap in Vermont; and Franconia Gap in New Hampshire.

There are many, many others that are notable, stretching across the entire length of the Appalachian chain.

How many mountain ranges are there in the USA?

Oh, this one’s easy. Outside Alaska and Hawaii, the Contiguous United States contains 250 major mountain ranges, and lots of unnamed sub-ranges. Colorado, Utah and California contain the largest number of ranges, sub-ranges and individual mountains.

Alaska has 1900 mountain ranges, though most of the state is only a few hundred feet above sea level. The Yukon River Valley is similar to the Mississippi Basin, with plains and forested hills.

Hawaii is the top of a sub-oceanic ridge created by a “Hot-Spot” similar to Yellowstone and a few other places. How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

How many US states have mountains?

Most have genuine mountains, but it depends on how you define the term.

“A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level” doesn’t help much. “A large steep hill” means lots of things to different people.

If you’re generous and want to include the big, impressive hills, then Florida, Delaware and Rhode Island might be the only states without “mountains.” (Locals, please correct me on this one if I’m missing a hilly area in your state.)

Despite the stereotype, Kansas is not the flattest state. Kansas has a lot of surprising topography tucked away under the horizon, and the elevation difference between east and west is major. The flattest state in the country is Florida. (Kansas ranks #7.

Generously defined: 47 states have at least one large hill that could feasibly be classified as a “mountain” — but again, the definition is so loose, it’s hard to say.

In any case, here’s some topography in U.S. states that, for whatever reason, aren’t well known for it. These are the exceptions, but obviously it’s not all flat between the Smokies and the Rockies.

  1. Wichita Mountain, Oklahoma
  2. The Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas
  3. The Baraboo Hills in Wisconsin (Devils Lake)
  4. Shawnee National Forest, southern Illinois (not really “mountains,” but nice hill country, anyway):
  5. Brown County, Indiana (ditto)
  6. Driskill Mountain, Louisiana (highest point in the state.) Other than this, Louisiana is the fourth flattest state in the Union
  7. Table Rock, Pickins County, South Carolina
  8. Cheaha Mountain, Alabama
  9. Woodall Mountain, Mississippi (not much of a rise at 807 feet, but technically a mountain, and the state high point):
  10. Porcupine Mountains, northern Michigan
  11. Killdeer Mountain, North Dakota
  12. Eastern Iowa’s river bluffs along the Mississippi
  13. Oberg Mountain, northern Minnesota
  14. The Edge of Appalachia Nature Preserve, 60 miles southeast of Cincinnati, Ohio. 20,000 acres run by the Nature Conservancy and the Cincinnati Museum Center:
  15. Black Hills, South Dakota
  16. Pine Ridge, Nebraska (really an extension of the Black Hills):
  17. The Arikaree Breaks in western Kansas. (Human being in photo for scale):

Here’s the beautiful and weird Flint Hills, about two hours west of Kansas City. Nobody would call the Flint Hills true mountains, but they’re bigger than you’d think from looking at pictures. Don’t expect Denali, but the trail through Konza Prairie is a surprisingly steep climb. I was out breath. How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

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What would the USA look like if the Appalachian Mountains did not exist?

Interesting question. A lot flatter!

The original Appalachian Mountains were so old that geologists believe they wore down to a completely flat plain, and that a more recent tectonic event lifted up the ancient roots of the mountains for us to scramble up on top of today

The mountains have played an important role in the history and economic development of the United States. They formed a barrier that held the early settlers near the Atlantic coast until the colonies could develop the unity and strength to fight for independence and form a nation.

Why did the colonists want to cross the Appalachian Mountains?

Well before the American Revolution, pretty much all the land east of the Alleghany/Appalachian/Adirondack mountain chains had already been granted or sold to other settlers. If you were a newer arrival, say an indentured servant, there was no more “free” land left – you would have to keep working for someone else to buy your own land.

Some people decided to cross the mountains and try to settle, but they usually had conflicts with the American Indians who were there. East of the mountains, the British and the Colonists had largely worked out arrangements with Native Americans (which often meant “had a war with them” – King Philip’s war is still, by percentage of population, the deadliest one in American history) but Natives west of the mountains were having none of it which is why they sided with the French in the French and Indian War of the 1750s – the French had no intention of settling that land, they just wanted to trade.

The British had settled their differences with the French, but not the Indians who vowed to keep on fighting. As such, Britain capitulated and banned settlement west of the Appalachians and restricted trade except through Montreal or British trade commissioners along the mountain passes.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

That was to prevent the Americans from selling their #1 export to the Indians – alcohol. Prior to this, it wasn’t uncommon for British colonial militias to protect settlers west of the mountains, but the British forbade this and ordered no reprisals against Indians who killed British subjects foolish enough to try to settle west of the mountains.

But the Americans saw the profit potential. Although the mountains were a formidable obstacle which made shipping expensive, the land hadn’t been ruined by overfarming (which was a problem even then – many tobacco farms had to be abandoned because of soil depletion).

The plan was to grow corn and wheat and convert it to alcohol, which was much more convenient to ship on a price to weight ratio basis.

There was another bonanza west of the mountains – trees. Coal hadn’t come into its own by this time and charcoal was still a valuable fuel, but British supplies were short because they had pretty much cut down all their trees. The eastern United States had largely done that too (both to create charcoal and clear land for farming) but the west still had plenty of untouched forest.

The demand for charcoal was massive – it took an entire acre of trees to provide enough charcoal to keep a steel furnace running for a day. Charcoal was also popular for the new fangled glass furnaces that were churning out windows for high end homes.

It was as what Tecumseh said nearly forty years later – “At first, the white man only asks for enough land to build a wigwam, but soon, the entire land from horizon to horizon is not enough to satisfy him.”

Why did the Appalachian Mountains restrict Western settlements?

Have you ever been in the Appalachians? They are not particularly high, up to 5,000 feet or so at the highest, but they are wide and rugged. The mountains run from northern Alabama and Georgia up through east Tennessee, western North Carolina, eastern Kentucky, western Virginia, all of West Virginia, southeast Ohio, western Maryland, on through western and central Pennsylvania and on into New York.

Then there were some large and formidable Indian peoples on the other side—Shawnee, Cherokee and all the rest. The Shawnee and allies inflicted heavy losses on settlers, and they killed half the small US army in the St. Clair’s Defeat incident. Indian resistance did not really end until Tenskwatawa’s prophetic influence was beaten at Tippecanoe and until his brother, Tecumseh was killed fighting for the British in Canada.

The mountains run southeast from New England to Georgia. and were difficult to cross, They were heavily forested, there were at first no roads, only Indian paths and rivers. And the British policy of banning settlements west of the Appalachian crests prevented settlement (and was a main cause of the Revolution). How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

What are some other areas like the Appalachian Mountains in the USA?

Kinda, maybe: the Coast Range, which extend from Washington through Oregon (bisected by the Columbia River) down into California. I’m thinking south of Washington’s Olympic Mountains down through Oregon’s Coast range down to before northern California’s Pacific Coast Range merges into Central California.

They’re relatively young, especially compared to the Appalachians, and not nearly as wide. And, of course, the towns, cities and settlements are younger.

But they’re rounder, certainly less impressive than the Cascades across the valleys, and the isolated towns and settlements kind of remind me of the stubborn, scratching-out-a-living folk of Appalachia.

But, of course, nothing can match the original.

Is Wyoming one of the states that is west from the Appalachian Mountains?

Yea way west of the Appalachian Mountains. We are west of the Mississippi. The mountain chain is the Rocky Mountains,which geologically are way younger than the Appalachian chain.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

What states are the Smoky Mountains in?

The Smokies are a subset of the greater Appalachian Mountain chain and are located in the US states of Tennessee and North Carolina, running along the border between the states.

Some are among the highest peaks of the entire Appalachian chain.

Clingman’s Dome, located in Sevier County Tennessee, marks the highest point in the Smokies at 6,643 (2,025 meters). It is the highest Smokies peak and the third highest mountain in the eastern United States.

How many countries does the Appalachian Mountains go through?

The Appalachian Mountain Range stretches through both the United States and Canada. In Canada, they can be found in the coastal provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Quebec.

How many ranges make up the Appalachian Mountains?

The Appalachian Mountain System includes more than 33 mountain subranges that span through more than 11 states.

In the Northeast, the Green Mountains extend through Vermont, while the Longfellow and Mahoosuc Mountain Ranges run through Maine.

What is so special about the Appalachian Mountains?

The mountains have played an important role in the history and economic development of the United States.

They formed a barrier that held the early settlers near the Atlantic coast until the colonies could develop the unity and strength to fight for independence and form a nation.

Conclusion: How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?

Well – yes, sort of. That is, they don’t ‘go’ there, in the sense that they don’t continue through the Atlantic until reaching England. But actually, the ORIGINAL chain of mountains marking a very ancient plate boundary, was ONCE continuous, but has been broken up and divided by the breakup of Pangea around 200 million years ago, and now it is in PIECES.

One large (long) piece is in North America, and stretches from eastern Canada through New York state,, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, western Virginia etc etc until it is covered by coastal plain sedimentary deposits in central Alabama. The southern part of that chain of mountains is ‘the Appalachians’.

ANOTHER piece is running through the island of Great Britain (mostly in Scotland) and ANOTHER piece is up in Scandinavia -known as the Caledonian mountains.

The Scottish Highlands, the Appalachians, and the Atlas are the same mountain range, once connected as the Central Pangean Mountains – Vivid Maps

The Central Pangean Mountains were a great mountain chain in the middle part of the supercontinent Pangaea that stretches across the continent from northeast to southwest during the Carboniferous, Permian Triassic periods.

Note the original position ‘in the middle of Pangea’. This range marks the ‘suture’ zone where two pre-existing continents were joined, during the FORMATION of Pangea – over 300 million years ago.

How many states does the Appalachian Mountain Range go through?