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What is the meaning of the angel number 1221?

What is the meaning of the angel number 1221?

I’m likely not telling you anything that you don’t already know, but after googling it I found this, although I cannot vouch for it’s veracity:

What does the angel’s number 1221 mean? Angel number 1221 is meant to be a stabilizer. 1221 comes around to remind you that the ground will always be underneath your feet. You will always get what you want, or something better than you can imagine. There are no guarantees in this world, but you can count on these two things.

Personally, and I speak as someone not briefed in numerology, it sounds like bullshit to me. Numbers are just numbers, representations of quantity. Unless applied to proven concepts and scientific theory, they mean nothing on their own. I would love to learn otherwise. This word could use some bona fide magical mystery. Something to steer us away from the certainty of our misguided foolishness.

Still, ask any mathematician. There’s magic in numbers, in their ability to help us understand the mind-boggling depths of multiple realities. I’ve hunted for the meaning of reality since childhood, and discovered the wonder of our existence in this, our tiny portion of an absolute multitude of possibilities, and of the meaning of “Intent” how it will shape the reality we inhabit, and, in many instances, share. If you’re looking for magic, you’re already standing in it. It’s the mind which creates all things, and it’s quite possible we all live within an enormous dream made physical according to our six senses.

In seeming contradiction, each of us live in our own, seperate reality, and as we share our drempt of worlds, so can we create an absolute Paradise for ourselves and for those who follow. But take a look at what we’ve done with that power to dream and create. What does my head in, is that we don’t all pitch in and stop the bastards who have usurped the dream we once had — the near perfect world given to us — and take back control of what direction humankind take into the distant future.

Does this add up? Like numbers, truth and honesty will never lead us astray. We should demand it from everyone and teach, from birth, that nothing less will do. I say it’s our lack of adherence, or our tendency to accept anything less than honesty as mere human nature or as an unrealistic dream of perfection.

Look what our acceptance of so-called “human nature“ has brought us. Politics and false advertising, alone, have done irreparable damage to our future. Lies and deceit contaminate our www like a disease, and if we don’t soon make a stand against it, well, need I explain further?

The angel number 1221 is said to have a number of meanings, including:

  • A sign of supportThe number 1221 is said to be a sign that you are surrounded by support and encouragement from your guardian angels and spiritual guides. 
  • A reminder to trust your intuitionThe number 1221 is said to encourage you to trust your intuition and take an honest inventory of your relationships. 
  • A sign to pursue your ambitionsThe number 1221 is said to urge you to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your ambitions. 
  • A sign that you are on the right pathThe number 1221 is said to be a sign that you are on the right path and that your spiritual guides support you. 
  • A reminder to settle into your body and breathThe number 1221 is said to be a reminder to settle more deeply into your body and your breath, and to trust the rhythm of your life. 
  • A sign that you will always get what you wantThe number 1221 is said to be a reminder that you will always get what you want, or something better than you can imagine. 
  • A sign to slow down and tune inThe number 1221 is said to be a sign to slow down and tune in to what’s really happening in your relationships. 

Embracing the Power of Positive Change

Embracing the Power of Positive ChangeFinally, 1221 is a message to embrace the transformative power of positive change. This angel number may signify a significant shift or transition in your life, and it urges you to approach these moments with an open heart and a willingness to grow.

What is the meaning of the angel number 1221?”

Nada. As in, “Nada freaking thing.”

The whole concept of “angel numbers” was invented by a woman named Doreen Virtue, who later disavowed her “work.”

This is the same as someone making a car, and telling you that it’s gravely flawed and will explode…but you say you want to drive the car anyway.

There’s no angel numbers. They are NOT REAL. People see numbers that they think mean something, because they’ve told themselves that the numbers mean something, and they ignore the numbers they see that they don’t think mean something.

Also, wherever you’re seeing this number, don’t you think others see the number as well? Does it mean something to them, too? And does it mean the same thing? And if it doesn’t mean the same thing, that means that it could mean different things, so how does anyone know which meaning applies to him?

Once you scratch the surface of this whole thing, it just falls apart…

There is no secondary significance to that number.

Please let go of the notion that certain numbers, even if noticed repetitively, reveal a person’s personality traits, character, or destiny.

Those who claim to see informational, spiritual or paranormal significance in particular numbers or repetitive series of numbers, including so-called “angel numbers,” or other symbolic communications, are misinformed.

God’s holy angels do not communicate or interact with humanity of their own volition. They are under the authority of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, triune Creator God. God’s angels serve exclusively as He directs them, and there is no evidence of particular arrangements of numbers being a means of angelic communication.

Numerology and other occultic beliefs distract us from desiring restored fellowship with our loving triune Creator God. Therefore, a wise person will instead seek and humbly call upon Almighty God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has authority over all, and will reverently read and study God’s inspired word, the Holy Bible (preferably beginning with the New Testament, in a translation/version that is readily understandable).

Sadly, our main obstacle to pursuing a relationship with God is our fallen nature — we don’t want to be accountable to God. Human pride, selfishness, stubbornness, carnality and a proclivity or vulnerability to deception culminate in a desire for hedonistic autonomy. We want to do whatever feels good to us — to do things our way, not as God intended.

However, it is our Creator God who gives purpose and meaning to our mortal lives, according to his will for us. God, by way of his Holy Spirit, guides and empowers those who serve Him to achieve the good He desires in their lives, the lives of others, and in the situations involving them.

And we are created by God to be more than mortal beings. The human soul and spirit, which include the attributes of being created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), are spiritual entities that originate at conception and live on after mortal death, but not as lingering ghosts or in a succession of mortal iterations (i.e., reincarnation), or in some “soul lounge”/cosmic collective.

The Holy Bible is clear on this subject. In Hebrews 9:27 we read, “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, …” so, the destination of one’s soul and spirit (including consciousness, cognition and personality) after mortal death depends on whether or not that person sincerely repented of his/her sins (i.e., occasions of disobeying God’s moral laws/commandments) before God and placed faith in Christ Jesus (God the Son incarnate) as Lord and Savior (1 John 5:11-12).

Jesus took the judgement and penalty for our sins upon himself as He bled and died on that cross at Calvary; but Jesus demonstrated victory over sin and death when He resurrected from the tomb. Christ Jesus offers us forgiveness, the imputed righteousness of God, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and eternal spiritual life with Him in heaven.

Those who are redeemed in Christ Jesus go (as soul and spirit, upon mortal death) to be with God in his kingdom– heaven, for all eternity. Those who reject God and his plan for salvation in Christ Jesus are forever separated from God in hell.

When Christ Jesus returns for his church (comprised of those born again spiritually in Christ by grace, though faith), the soul and spirit of such will be provided a resurrection/glorified body for all eternity. Those who were faithful and obedient to God prior to the incarnation of Christ, looking forward to His (the Messiah’s) coming, will be welcomed into heaven as well (Hebrews 11).

The Bible points the way to eternal life with God:

● “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; yet all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” — Romans 3:23-24

● “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life.” — John 3:16

● Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” — John 14:6

● Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” — John 3:3

● “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not as the result of works, so that no one can boast.” — Ephesians 2:8–9

● “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” — 1 Timothy 2:3-4

We all have a(n eternal) life and death decision to make, regarding acceptance or rejection of God’s gift of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. What will you decide?

“You made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless till they rest in you.”
–Augustine of Hippo (AD 396–430)

Angel numbers

Angel numbers date back to Ancient Greek civilisation with philosopher Pythagoras believed our reality is the physical manifestation of the vibration of numbers

The reality is:

Creatures like angels exist, and have existed in numerous religions over time.

In all the religions that exist “angels”, are these angels, messengers, between the gods / God and the people the god wants to contact, i.e. the appointed helpers of the gods on earth.

The term Angel is derived from Greek, and just means a messenger.

A messenger is a person or a creature, between two individuals.

Messenger in Greek is Aggelos (strong 32)

An angel i.e. a messenger in Hebrew, is a malak (strong 4397) –

Angel number 1221 is meant to be a stabilizer. 1221 comes around to remind you that the ground will always be underneath your feet. You will always get what you want, or something better than you can imagine. There are no guarantees in this world, but you can count on these two things.

Idk WHY you don’t simply go to the app store appropriate for your phone & DOWNLOAD the Numerology app, THEN when you see a number, ENTER that number & learn the meaning yourself.

YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING THAT, you aren’t helpless.

Does it mean that angels don’t have names? There are so many angels that God gave up trying to name them, and resorted to numbers? So the meaning might be: there are at least 1220 other angels, and maybe more. That is, if you believe in angels. I don’t believe in angels but who knows. Maybe it means that angels have huge baseball teams in heaven, with over a thousand players on each side, and four digits are needed to be sewn on the backs of their uniforms to keep track of who’s who.

Does anybody see the number 1221, or have any idea what it could mean?

Yes. It means you have one thousand two hundred and twenty-one items counted.
it comes after 1220 and before 1222.

There is no meaning to the number other than the value assigned to it mathematically.
Numerology is not a science. It isn’t even real. It is superstitious bullshit.

If you see the same number cropping up with a high frequency, what idiots call “angel numbers” … That is a form of cognitive bias called frequency illusion. Where once you have noted an occurrence of a particular thing, you suddenly start noticing an increase in occurrence of that particular thing.

For example: Never noticing how many cars there are of a particular make and color until you buy one and then you start seeing them everywhere. They were always there before; you just were not paying attention to them.

Another example is glancing at the clock and noticing how often it just happens to be a specific number of minutes past the hour all the time. like looking at the clock and it is always 20 minutes past whatever hour it is. 12:20, 06:20, 11:20, whatever. never 12:18 or 12:23 or something close to 20 past.
that is not because 20 keeps magically popping up for you. It is just that you never pay attention to all the times you glance at the clock, and it is something else, but only take note of it when it is 20.

Frequency illusion is primarily caused by the combination of Selective Attention and Confirmation Bias. Leading you to see only what you want to see and ignoring all else and interpreting it how you want to rather than how it actually is.


Does anybody see the number 1221, or have any idea what it could mean? Please do not ascribe lifepath impacting significance to the various numbers you encounter.

Numerology and other occultic beliefs distract us from desiring restored fellowship with our loving triune Creator God. Therefore, a wise person will instead seek and humbly call upon Almighty God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has authority over all, and will reverently read and study God’s inspired word, the Holy Bible (preferably beginning with the New Testament, in a translation/version that is readily understandable).

Sadly, our main obstacle to pursuing a relationship with God is our fallen nature — we don’t want to be accountable to God. Human pride, selfishness, stubbornness, carnality and a proclivity or vulnerability to deception culminate in a desire for hedonistic autonomy. We want to do whatever feels good to us — to do things our way, not as God intended.

However, it is our Creator God who gives purpose and meaning to our mortal lives, according to his will for us. God, by way of his Holy Spirit, guides and empowers those who serve Him to achieve the good He desires in their lives, the lives of others, and in the situations involving them.

And we are created by God to be more than mortal beings. The human soul and spirit are spiritual entities that originate at conception and live on after mortal death, but not as lingering ghosts or in a succession of mortal iterations (i.e., reincarnation), or in some “soul lounge”/cosmic collective.

The Holy Bible is clear on this subject. In Hebrews 9:27 we read, “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, …” so, the destination of one’s soul and spirit (including consciousness, cognition and personality) after mortal death depends on whether or not that person sincerely repented of his/her sins (i.e., occasions of disobeying God’s moral laws/commandments) before God and placed faith in Christ Jesus (God the Son incarnate) as Lord and Savior (1 John 5:11-12).

Jesus took the judgement and penalty for our sins upon himself as He bled and died on that cross at Calvary; but Jesus demonstrated victory over sin and death when He resurrected from the tomb. Christ Jesus offers us forgiveness, the imputed righteousness of God, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and eternal spiritual life with Him in heaven.

Those who are redeemed in Christ Jesus go (as soul and spirit, upon mortal death) to be with God in his kingdom– heaven, for all eternity. Those who reject God and his plan for salvation in Christ Jesus are forever separated from God in hell.

When Christ Jesus returns for his church (comprised of those born again spiritually in Christ by grace, though faith), the soul and spirit of such will be provided a resurrection/glorified body for all eternity. Those who were faithful and obedient to God prior to the incarnation of Christ, looking forward to His (the Messiah’s) coming, will be welcomed into heaven as well.

The Bible points the way to eternal life with God:

●“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; yet all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” — Romans 3:23-24

●“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life.” — John 3:16

●Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” — John 14:6

●“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not as the result of works, so that no one can boast.” — Ephesians 2:8–9

● “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” — 1 Timothy 2:3-4

We all have a(n eternal) life and death decision to make, regarding acceptance or rejection of God’s gift of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. What will you decide?

“You made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless till they rest in you.”
–Augustine of Hippo (AD 396–430).

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