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Can a conjoined twin marry someone and have children?

Can a conjoined twin marry someone and have children?

Can a conjoined twin marry someone and have children?

They were the first well-known conjoined twins. They married, maintained separate households, and had twenty-two children. It is possible to match one conjoined twin without marrying the other.

The situation regarding conjoined twins marrying and having children is complex and varies based on individual circumstances, including the degree of their conjoinment, health considerations, and legal factors.


  • Legality: In many places, conjoined twins can legally marry if both individuals are of legal age and consent to the marriage.
  • Social Acceptance: Public perception and acceptance can vary, but there are examples of conjoined twins who have married.

Having Children:

  • Medical Considerations: Whether conjoined twins can have children depends on their anatomy. If they have separate reproductive systems, they may be able to conceive. However, this may involve significant medical considerations and potential risks.
  • Pregnancy: If one twin has a functioning uterus, pregnancy may be possible, but it would require careful medical monitoring due to the unique health considerations involved.


  • There have been instances of conjoined twins who have married and expressed desires for children. Each case is unique, with different health, emotional, and ethical considerations.


While conjoined twins can potentially marry and have children, it involves numerous individual factors, and each case should be approached with careful consideration of their specific circumstances and health needs.

Conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker – the original Siamese Twins from Siam (Thailand) – settled in North Carolina, married sisters Adelaide and Sarah Yates in a double ceremony, and fathered 21 children between them.

Initially, both twins and both wives had sex with the deliberate intention of procreation. Still, after this resulted in four children within two years, the couples alternated pregnancies, with the non-procreating couple practicing birth control. As of their deaths on January 17th, 1874, at 62, the youngest child, Eng’s son Robert, was five years old. As to how they did it, they made love in turns: the wife was on top, with the husband and his twin flat on their backs.

If a man marries a woman who is twins conjoined at birth (a woman born with two conscious heads), is it polygamy or monogamy?

Abby and Brittany Hensel are now 27 and have stated that they want to get married and even have kids someday.

Despite appearing precisely as you’d imagine a “two-headed woman” would appear, they consider themselves two women (of course) and are legally considered two individuals. Can a conjoined twin marry

(if it were another species, such as a cat, no one would have a problem referring to it as a two-headed cat) But who knows what would work for their marriages? They share one set of reproductive organs, so that means that it would be impossible for them to have sex separately. They’d have to do it together.

(well, one could be asleep or something?) It doesn’t appear to be public knowledge as to whether they both share feeling down there, as that sort of factoid is probably none of our damn business.

If they chose to have a child, they’d do it together as well, but I think it would be only one who would pass on her genes (then again, they are identical twins, so the issue is somewhat moot). Who would be considered the mother is another yet-to-be-resolved issue. If only one were married to the father, that one would probably be regarded as the legal mother. The child would probably think them both to be their moms.

If they chose to marry the same man, they would probably have to either do it outside of the legal system (legally, only one of them would be considered married) or have special accommodations written into laws for them, which could be done for such exceptional cases. They would choose to marry two men, or just one of them would marry someone.

Whether you want to consider them both marrying one man to be polygamy or monogamy is a semantic question that doesn’t matter. Both terms have negatives: “Polygamy” is often seen as both illegal and immoral, but “monogamy” makes the offensive assumption that they are one individual.

They are a rare exception, and the language and legal system don’t account for them. Regardless, I wish them the best, hope they have long lives, and wouldn’t judge them badly for however they proceed or for the terms they choose to refer to whatever they do.

If a man marries a woman who is twins conjoined at birth (a woman born with two conscious heads), is it polygamy or monogamy?

Conjoined twins are NOT one woman with two heads. They are two people, even if they share a body. It is prettydisrespectful and hurtful to refer to them as one person with two heads.Can a conjoined twin marry

If a woman had two heads (conjoined twins), how would she hold a relationship with a separate partner?

Well… I’ve read about Chang and Eng. They were attached at the hip, I believe. They fathered 21 children and have descendants numbering 1,500. They married sisters and were the origin of “Siamese twins.”

If I was one-half and I had a sister attached to me, I guess I would be so used to seeing her bodily functions that it wouldn’t bother me.

Now, relationships… that’s another deal altogether. If we were lucky enough to have boyfriends simultaneously, there would have to be ground rules.

No peeking…no foursomes …and the most privacy one could be afforded in those circumstances. I think natural human desires would dominate, and if we found brothers or regular guys… we’d work things out. Hee hee

Millions of things are running through my head, and it might be a fun, exciting situation. Unless you couldn’t stand each other, you couldn’t be split apart.

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I saw a documentary about conjoined sisters, and they solved the relationship problems with one sister going into a trance-like state. That was when boyfriends were around. There was a dominant sister who wanted to be a country western singer. The other one was quiet and was more into computers, reading, and such.Can a conjoined twin marry

I’d instead be separated. If not, I would relax and accept it.

Who would control the body if you were conjoined twins like Abigail and Brittany Hensel?

According to the twins themselves, they each control half of the body. Their internal organs are doubled; however, their proportions are nearly normal to any other human being.

Doing things such as running, driving, clapping, and other activities requires symmetrical, coordinated cooperation — and they do it without ever thinking about it. Yet they can read and write simultaneously, each woman controlling her half of the body independently.

I remember seeing an interview several years ago in which their mother watched them poking different areas of their abdomen, trying to see who felt what. Near the middle, they both felt the sensation, yet on each side, only one of the two could feel the poking.

The show interviewed one of their high school teachers in that same program. The twins had different academic strengths and weaknesses, like any other non-conjoined twins. Even their handwriting was different and unique.

The two are considered independent people, and each has her driver’s license even though they must simultaneously operate the controls.

The two both majored in education and initially wanted to have different specializations in the field. That proved prohibitive due to the class schedules, but they both graduated with bachelor’s degrees. Currently, they are both employed as elementary school teachers in Minnesota.

If someone were to marry conjoined twins, would it be considered polygamy?

Chang and Eng Bunker (born 11 May 1811) were the source of the term Siamese twins. They were the first well-known conjoined twins.

They married, maintained separate households, and had twenty-two children. It is possible to match one conjoined twin without marrying the other.Can a conjoined twin marry

How do conjoined twins copulate?

This will depend on many things, some physical and some emotional. Let’s look at two cases. A liver and some abdominal tissue joined Chang and Eng Bunker. Each brother was married to a separate woman and had 22 children. In this case, they could put up a sheet between them and have some privacy.

Abby and Brittany Hensel share a torso and legs. They have one set of genitalia. In this case, one literally cannot have sex with one person without having sex with the other. They would need to agree on any partners, or it would be rape. 

I expect that any dating they do would be with people with whom both sisters have a good relationship. If they each have partners, they would need to deal with jealousy issues between them and the other partners. They have expressed an interest in having children. 

Since they have one womb, I expect that they will test the child and use the father to determine who to put as the mother on the birth certificate.

If twins are conjoined at the head and share part of their brains, will it be more convenient for them to marry one man?

Processes and two different souls. Finding a lover is on their goal list, but not until they can handle themselves first.

How do conjoined twins get married?

The one getting married goes to a church, pastor, court house and marries their fiancé, it is just the other twin has to go along so they darn well better have been chose to be maid of honor or best man!! 🙂 Conjoined twins have married. Conjoined twins I had known about (joined at forehead), one started dating, the other went along and read a book.

Can conjoined twins have their own children, or would they need surrogacy?

Are you speaking of male-conjoined twins?

Interestingly enough, the two Siamese conjoined twins seemed to be paternal. Son and daughter could be twins.

One thing we know for sure about the sexuality of conjoined twins: People who aren’t conjoined are fascinated by it.

At least, it seems that way, judging by the number of reporters calling me to ask about the sex lives of conjoined twins since the TLC reality show Abby and Brittany went on the air several weeks ago. As I’ve told callers, although there are no real studies of the sex lives of conjoined twins, we can safely assume that conjoined twins want—and occasionally feel conflicted about wanting—sex, as we all do.

But not as conflicted as we singletons seem to feel about them having sex. Typically, people who are close to conjoined twins come to adjust and see them as different. Still, usually, they seem relatively untroubled by the idea of conjoined twins pursuing sex and romance. But those who are watching from afar cannot abide.

The best example of this would probably be the story of Chang and Eng Bunker, the “Siamese Twins,” so-called because they were from Siam (now Thailand). Chang and Eng were joined by just a bit of liver and some skin. One April 1843, Chang married Adelaide Yates, while their brother Eng married his sister, Sallie Yates. Based on the fact that Chang and Adelaide had ten children and Eng and Sallie had 12, it’s fair to say the brothers had sex.

At the autopsy of the Bunker twins, one of the anatomists opined that their active sex lives had “shocked the moral sense of the community”—even though the truth is that the Bunkers’ neighbors appeared to have just accepted the situation. A little-known fact is that the Bunker wives’ father had initially objected to his daughters marrying the twins not because they were conjoined but because they were Asian. (This was, after all, the antebellum American South.)

Yet in the 19th century, when doctors discussed whether the twins Millie and Christina McCoy could marry, one spoke for many: “Physically there are no serious objections … but morally there was a most decided one.” When, in the 1930s, Violet Hilton sought to get a marriage license while conjoined to her sister Daisy, she was repeatedly refused.

Female conjoined twins:Can a conjoined twin marry

Conjoined twins, conception, pregnancy, and delivery: a reproductive history of the pygopagus Blazek sisters (1878-1922)

E S Sills et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Dec.

Conjoined twins represent humans’ most uncommon twinning mechanism, with an incidence approaching 1:100,000 deliveries. Although several conjoined male twins have occasionally been reported, for unexplained reasons, most cases of conjoined twins are female. 

Of all the female conjoined twin sets either documented by medical authorities or referenced in ancient literary sources, in only one case were pregnancy and delivery successfully achieved by the conjoined twins. 

We describe the highly unusual circumstance of the Blazek Conjoined twins, which represent humans’ most uncommon twinning mechanism. Conjoined twins represent humans’ most uncommon twinning mechanism, with an incidence approaching 1:100,000 deliveries. Although several conjoined male twins have occasionally been reported, for unexplained reasons, most cases of conjoined twins are female. 

Of all the female conjoined twin sets either documented by medical authorities or referenced in ancient literary sources, in only one case were pregnancy and delivery successfully achieved by the conjoined twins. We describe the highly unusual circumstance of the Blazek sisters, an extreme developmental example of the terminal monogenetic pygopagus type of conjoined twins in which one of the joined sisters conceived and underwent labor and childbirth. 

Although little information is known about their birth, these conjoined twins paradoxically hold a unique place in the history of obstetrics. Information from formal anatomic examinations of the sisters and their exploitative circus exhibitions is outlined to explain relevant reproductive events. 

We present the sensational conception, pregnancy course, and subsequent vaginal delivery of a healthy male infant as summarized from contemporary sources. Additionally, the significance of pygopagus twins and other types of monozygotic twinning is discussed. Can a conjoined twin marry

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Although modern operative techniques have been a welcome advance in the science of conjoined twin separation, the Blazek case is another reminder that, even in the era before complex surgery, conjoined twins were not necessarily consigned to an incomplete reproductive career. Approaching 1:100,000 deliveries.

Although several conjoined male twins have occasionally been reported, for unexplained reasons, most cases of conjoined twins are female. Of all the female conjoined twin sets either documented by medical authorities or referenced in ancient literary sources, in only one case were pregnancy and delivery successfully achieved by the conjoined twins. 

We describe the highly unusual circumstance of the Blazek sisters, an extreme developmental example of the terminal monogenetic pygopagus type of conjoined twins in which one of the joined sisters conceived and underwent labor and childbirth. 

Although little information is known about their birth, these conjoined twins paradoxically hold a unique place in the history of obstetrics. Information from formal anatomic examinations of the sisters and their exploitative circus exhibitions is outlined to explain relevant reproductive events.

We present the sensational conception, pregnancy course, and subsequent vaginal delivery of a healthy male infant as summarized from contemporary sources. Additionally, the significance of pygopagus twins and other types of monozygotic twinning is discussed.

Although modern operative techniques have been a welcome advance in the science of conjoined twin separation, the Blazek case is another reminder that, even in the era before complex surgery, conjoined twins were not necessarily consigned to an incomplete reproductive career., an extreme developmental example of the terminal monogenetic pygopagus type of conjoined twins in which one of the joined sisters conceived and underwent labor and childbirth.

Although little information is known about their birth, these conjoined twins paradoxically hold a unique place in the history of obstetrics. Information from formal anatomic examinations of the sisters and their exploitative circus exhibitions is outlined to explain relevant reproductive events. We present the sensational conception, pregnancy course, and subsequent vaginal delivery of a healthy male infant as summarized from contemporary sources. 

Additionally, the significance of pygopagus twins and other types of monozygotic twinning is discussed. Although modern operative techniques have been a welcome advance in the science of conjoined twin separation, the Blazek case is another reminder that, even in the era before complex surgery, conjoined twins were not necessarily consigned to an incomplete reproductive career.Can a conjoined twin marry

If conjoined twins were to marry, would they marry one person or two people?

The person they marry would only legally be matched to one of the twins. It would be up to them if they shared a spouse or not. In instances I’ve read about, they have separate spouses. Legally conjoined twins are two people, even though their bodies are connected.

The first famous set of conjoined Siamese twins were two men who married two women and fathered children. They each had a home and took turns choosing which house they stayed in. That set of conjoined twins is where the term Siamese twins came from.

Can conjoined twins (male and female) reproduce with each other making babies?

It is biologically impossible for conjoined twins to have different genders. This is because they always start as a single cell that divides into identical twins – even though they fail to separate. Therefore, conjoined twins cannot reproduce with each other.

What is it like dating conjoined twins?

Okay, I’m not a conjoined twin and haven’t dated one. This is strictly hypothetical. In this case, it would be not easy. The dater would need to be on good terms with both twins. But you probably aren’t just asking about dating; you’re thinking about what happens when the relationship gets physical.

This will depend on the connection. Sometimes, I could see one twin draping themselves with a sheet. In the case of Abigail and Brittany Hensel, it’s more complicated as the two share one set of genitalia. Their interviews have said that each feels one leg, so I am likely both women have sensations in the place between them.

A relationship that progressed to this level would need both of them to approve of the relationship. It would involve a lot of communication and trust. If each of them were involved with somebody, the other partners would have to accept that Abby and Brittany would be interested in interactions with either partner. It’s a difficult way of life, and it has some similarities to issues faced by the polyamorous community.

The Hensel Twins have said that they want children someday. This issue needs to be clarified as the two share one womb. Both twins would be the mother since they have the same genetic information.

If a man marries a woman who is twins conjoined at birth (a woman born with two conscious heads), is it polygamy or monogamy?

There is no such thing as “a woman who is actually twins conjoined at birth.” There are cases of twins who appear to be one body with two heads but are not “a woman” because they are two different people.

In the cases I know of, it makes far more sense to think of them as each having half a body rather than sharing one body. They don’t feel touch on the half that belongs to the other twin, nor do they have any control over it. And they are two different people with different personalities, just as any pair of identical twins have non-identical personalities.

Marrying one of such a pair of twins would require some non-traditional accommodations. However, it would not be possible to legally marry both at once except in jurisdictions where polygamy is allowed.

The medical term for such cases is “Parapagus (dicephalus, dibrachius, dipus) conjoined twins.” Parapagus conjoined twins are fused side-by-side, while “dicephalus, dibrachius, dipus” means those twins have two heads, arms, and legs.

If conjoined twins get pregnant, whose child would it belong to?

Can you explain what we mean when we say divided by?

The only case in dispute would be a shared uterus. 

Without doing a pile of investigation, the laws in most places I’m aware of only allow one mother and one father to be mentioned. (I believe there has been a landmark case where three fluid-gender individuals are somehow all listed on the birth certificate, but I digress.) The same issue arises with marriage.

If a uterus were shared, tricky as it may be, one twin would be legally designated the “mother.” As to the practical tasks of motherhood, each could assume whichever duties they wished or were most convenient.

In fact, in the sporadic cases of conjoined twins with separate upper bodies but fused abdominal/pelvic organs that survive until adulthood, they are often a delicate balance of trying to manage organ load between the two individuals.Can a conjoined twin marry

 For instance, there may only be two kidneys working overtime. One healthy heart may be carrying the load of a less efficient heart. There can also be skeletal issues – for instance, Brittany Hensel has scoliosis. Though it might be technically possible for pregnancy to occur, it may be too risky to the health and organ load of the twins to proceed with a pregnancy.

The best option may be for eggs to be harvested, fertilized, and implanted in a surrogate. Theoretically, if there is a healthy ovary on each side, it may be possible to gather eggs from one ovary at a time so that “motherhood” could be established. I think it would be better not to know for psychological reasons.

I’m waiting to see what the Hensels do!

If two pairs of identical twins marry, could their children marry, even though they would be cousins by law, but are brothers and sisters biologically?

They are genetically siblings if you ignore mutations, epigenetic differences, and they receive different DNA from their parents despite their parents having the same DNA. But they are legally first cousins.

Strictly speaking, they aren’t brother and sister biologically. They don’t come from the same biological parents. Identical twins aren’t biologically the same person because of minor differences in their genomes.

If identical twins really share the same DNA (that is, all base pairs are similar), they will be perfect clones and have no differences. But that’s not the case. Identical twins are highly similar, but if you look closely enough, you can spot a few differences. 

The slight differences in their DNA cause these differences. For instance, one base pair might make a difference in your fingerprints. And as we know, identical twins differ by at least 50 base pairs. The difference can be as significant as 10 million base pairs. What happens if a large segment of a chromosome is either removed (deletion), added (insertion), or copied (duplication)? Usually, identical twins differ by 3000 base pairs out of 3 billion. That is 0.0001%, which is virtually the same as zero.

If an entire chromosome gets duplicated or removed, the difference is roughly 130 million base pairs. However, it’s rare for a mutation to extract or copy chromosomes as a whole. Usually, monosomies and trisomies are caused by meiosis errors, but it’s also possible that a mutation happened in the fetus.

A male gets Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY) if:

  1. Meiosis error: The egg contained two X chromosomes instead of one (common)
  2. The sperm had an X chromosome and a Y chromosome (rare)
  3. The X chromosome in the fetus is duplicated (very rare)

Back to the question. Yes, these children will be genetically siblings because standard DNA tests can’t distinguish between siblings and these cousins. A legal DNA test only tests a few SNPs (around 500000 to 1000000) to see whether they are overlaps. So there is no way to tell these cousins from regular siblings because the only difference between these are:

  1. Siblings have more fully identical segments (sharing both alleles)
  2. Siblings share slightly more DNA (around 0.1% more)

Standard DNA tests can’t distinguish between entirely identical segments (both alleles shared) and half-identical segments (one allele shared). They don’t test enough locations to spot the differences. Also, DNA tests can’t tell which couple is the child’s parents.Can a conjoined twin marry

However, a DNA test examining every base pair can differ between entirely identical and half-identical segments and vary between full siblings and cousins of two sets of identical twins. These DNA tests are expensive and might not be worth it unless you want to determine whether your sibling is your sibling or your “cousin.”

These children can marry because they are legally first cousins. However, it wouldn’t be recommended. If they were to have children, the risk of congenital disabilities would be virtually the same as two siblings having a child.

So if identical twins marry identical twins and each couple has children, they are genetically siblings (ignoring mutations). But legally, they are regular first cousins so that they can marry.

Is it possible for conjoined twins to get pregnant?

Yes, it is possible, but the thing that would interest me more is how conjoined twins would do the deed to get them pregnant.

The famous Chang and Eng Siamese twins lived in the 1800s, when things of a sexual nature were considered taboo and private, so public sexual activity at the time around other people would be regarded as especially taboo, but they still did the act.

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When two pairs of identical twins have children, can their children (cousins) marry each other?

Yes, depending on where they are. Their kids would be “double cousins” to each other. Legally, they are first cousins. First cousins can legally marry in many countries and about half of US states, including the most populous state. Genetically, they are like siblings.

If conjoined twins get pregnant, who is the mother?

Not all conjoined twins share a uterus. If the twins are joined at the head, the pregnant twin becomes the mother.

It becomes a bit more complicated if the twins share a body, like Abby and Brittany Hensel.Can a conjoined twin marry

Is it possible for conjoined twins to have serious relationships?

Absolutely! Why not? Human beings are the most amazingly adaptable animals on the planet, one of the reasons we are so successful. 

In the past, each twin of a conjoined pairhas married and had families (look up “Chang and Eng” for a 19th-century perspective).

People like their privacy and may not speak about it publicly, but people are also accepting, understanding, and tolerant. History testifies that many of what might be considered “unusual” relationships happen constantly. An open heart and love for another can make many “unusual” things possible.Can a conjoined twin marry

Can conjoined twins have children? If so, how is it possible for them to conceive and give birth to healthy babies?

That depends on whether they usually have functioning reproductive organs. It would also depend on how they are connected and if that would cause complications that would prevent a successful pregnancy. I know of one case where the women (Abby and Brittany) share one body. Their reproductive organs are the same as one average woman, so it shouldn’t be a problem to become pregnant and give birth the same as any other woman.Can a conjoined twin marry

Can a conjoined twin marry someone and have children?