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Is becoming a porn star a good job?

Is becoming a porn star a good job?

An attractive female can make good money in the adult film industry. However most of the female actresses in the industry have extremely poor money management skills and/or expensive drug and shopping addictions. Many end up burnt out and broke within a few years. It’s not common to see a female with a 20 year porn career. Some do but most won’t make it that long.

Many will try to marry a rich guy who will support them financially so they don’t have to work. That seems to be the goal of working in adult film. Use it as a short term gig and you will get invited to parties and connect with wealthy men with hopes of marrying one.

What’s wrong if both parties having sex have no issues. One side is getting paid for giving joy in return. But yes it can not be a good job if you are married and your husband does not agree with your job. Remember, true relationship is always above all other pleasure activities.

I have a male friend in the industry who works behind the camera. He said there’s no real acting talent. They are “just hookers in front of a camera”. That pretty much sums it up.

Whether becoming a porn star is considered a “good” job or a “good” thing is subjective and depends on individual values, perspectives, and personal goals. Here are some factors to consider:

Positive Aspects:

  1. Autonomy and Empowerment:
    • Some individuals may view working in the adult entertainment industry, including as a porn star, as a choice that empowers them to take control of their own bodies and careers.
  2. Financial Opportunities:
    • For some, the adult industry can provide substantial financial compensation, and individuals may enter the profession as a means to earn a living or achieve financial goals.
  3. Positive Experiences:
    • Some performers in the adult industry report positive experiences, a sense of community, and supportive networks within the industry.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Stigma and Judgments:
    • Working in the adult industry, particularly in porn, can come with significant stigma and societal judgments. Individuals may face challenges in terms of public perception and personal relationships.
  2. Emotional and Mental Health Impact:
    • The nature of the work may have emotional and mental health implications. Performers may experience stress, anxiety, or other challenges related to the nature of the industry.
  3. Potential Long-Term Consequences:
    • It’s important to consider the potential long-term consequences of working in the adult industry, including the impact on future career opportunities and personal life.
  4. Exploitation Concerns:
    • The adult industry has faced criticism for instances of exploitation, coercion, and abuse. Individuals considering this career should carefully research and assess potential risks.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Considerations:
    • Laws and regulations regarding the adult industry vary by location, and individuals need to be aware of and comply with local laws.

Ultimately, whether becoming a porn star is seen as a positive or negative choice is a personal judgment. It’s crucial for individuals to make informed decisions, be aware of the potential challenges, and consider their own values and goals. Additionally, societal attitudes towards the adult industry can vary widely, and individuals should be prepared for potential social consequences. If someone is considering a career in the adult industry, seeking guidance, support, and information from experienced professionals in the field may be beneficial.

Is becoming a porn star a good job?

What’s wrong if both parties having sex have no issues. One side is getting paid for giving joy in return. But yes it can not be a good job if you are married and your husband does not agree with your job. Remember, true relationship is always above all other pleasure activities.

Why do we say grand rising instead of good morning?

Can porn stars get normal jobs?

So many people are stuck in the mindset of the 70s and 80s when porn first started to become popularized. At the time, being a sex worker of any kind basically meant that you couldn’t get a job doing anything else, if they knew about it. Since porn was very public and it was hard to hide (unlike say being an escort), most people who worked in porn couldn’t do most other jobs because no company wanted the scandal of hiring a sex worker.

Even in the late 90s we saw things similar. I remember watching a lawyer show from 1999 where it would have been considered harmful for the jury to find out a suspected murderer watched porn because anyone who watched porn must be more likely to kill people. That was considered plausible. Today a jury would shrug and be like…”um, what does that have to do with anything?”

We don’t live in those days anymore. The number of jobs that someone couldn’t get because they used to do porn is fast dwindling. The only ones not directly related to say a religious organization are usually ones that involve children, like teachers and child care providers. For most other jobs, with very few exceptions, the employers genuinely couldn’t care less.

Sex work is not shameful. It’s becoming more and more recognized that that is the case.

Is porn a respectable profession? Why or why not?

No it’s not. All the world can see you naked and all your private parts. Just imagine in your life, talking to and having a conversation with any person, knowing how your private parts look like. Making public appearances and maintaining relationships in general would be hellish. Also not to mention no professional company or government would take this job seriously.

Having known a few porn actors personally, I found them to be vacant, soulless, flat and without morals. Porn actors are whores, they get paid to have sex, when they’re not making money, they have to prostitute. If I pay you to have sex with a man whose face is disfigured and specifically you have to have kiss him and make him believe that you are passionately in love with him, after awhile you begin to hate people. How about a 500 pound man who asked you to rim him before he cleans himself?

I remember there was a John once whose face was horribly disfigured and he drooled all of the time and insisted on open mouth kissing. It depends on what you define as respectable to whom?

In Holland in the red light district the prostitutes’ sell themselves in shop windows but nobody would tell you if their mother worked there, nobody really likes whores except other whores. Once into that lifestyle you painted a lifelong picture of yourself.

What are the problems faced by a porn star?

There’s a fairly long list I could answer with. But I don’t care to go so in depth, especially because I’m not a fan of complainers, nor am I a complainer myself. So instead of generalizing the top problems that most porn stars face, I will highlight the top problem that personally annoys me daily:

The fact that I get tons of emails (and, very surprisingly, about 20 Quora messages) every day from clueless dudes asking “How can I hire you for a night?” or “How much $$ to sex you” or variations thereof. They range from very politely worded emails to insanely rude and disgusting one-liners. On some level I’ve come to expect the question from fans emailing me. But Quora users? Really? This is a forum for intellectual growth and the sharing of knowledge. Not Backpage.

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

I am a performer. What I do is professional and recorded on film, meant to entertain a wide audience. Sex scenes in porn are never about individual performers getting what they want; it’s about giving the audience what they want to see – that’s always the top priority.

Some people can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact that adult performers, by virtue of being adult performers, are not automatically escorts. (Sure, some porn performers do work as escorts. But just as many don’t, and never will.) I have zero interest in providing a “personal service” to anyone.

Do you write to Jennifer Lawrence and try to hire her to re-enact each scene from The Hunger Games for your own personal enjoyment? No. That would be presumptuous and rude. And Jennifer Lawrence would laugh at you. Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

Do you respect porn actors?

I hate how in society nowadays people feel that their entitled to respect, Respect is not something that is given it’s something that has to be earned by the action that person undertakes.

Here follow two examples.

A corporate CEO walks upto you and declares “I’m a CEO of multi-billion dollar company” ask yourself this would you respect him immediately? The answer is no you maybe would admire that he got in such a position but admiration is something different than respect.

Same example with a porn star/actor he/she walks upto you and declares “ I’m a pornstar” does that make you automatically respect them? The answer is no they haven’t given you and valid reason to respect them only because of their choice?

What I’m trying to say the choices people make are not something that has to be automatically be respected it’s how you are as a person and how you act as person a feeling of respect can be developed.

Do I respect being porn actors as a profession? No.

Does that mean automatically mean I don’t respect them as person? ofcourse not I can respect them as person. because people are more than just their job but respecting someone as person doesn’t mean you always have to agree with the choices they make. Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

Are porn stars ashamed of what they do? Do they receive criticism from their family and the general public?

Seriously, am not trying to be religious or cultural here. Am an African and maybe that would affect my judgment. I do feel porn stars will definitely have some form of struggle they live with especially when they are among people who don’t do similar occupation.

My reasons are:

  • 1. Mom and dad had sex but not in the public and no one knows how it went. Porn involves having sex and being filmed or photographed for the entertainment of just anybody out there. Everybody poo but it is said to be odd to talk about it publicly talk more of do it in public or film it for the world to see. SOME THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE.
  • 2. Loved ones of the porn stars share in that struggle because some people could play your mums porn videos to your face while you are trying to put up that CEO charisma at a board meeting somewhere. Common this what people who are not porn stars are scared of that they can blackmailed by threats of posting their nude pictures online. I THINK SOME THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE. Thanks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in the porn industry?

Lets see:


  1. You get laid by guys and girls that are really good at sex..
  2. You can make good money
  3. There is the opportunity to travel
  4. You get to party with lots of interesting people including famous people.


  1. STDs
  2. Lots of perverts and weirdos in the industry. Some are con men, some are criminals, some are looking to exploit women and some are even looking to hurt women
  3. You might get into Drugs as there is a strong drug culture in porn
  4. You will be asked to do things that you are uncomfortable doing but feel obligated to do because you are getting paid
  5. You will always be recognized as a porn actress/actor and shunned by most of society but even by some of your friends and family.
  6. You will not be able to hold down normal jobs and doors may be closed for you forever because of your past in the porn industry.
  7. Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

What are the lives of porn stars like? Why do they choose this profession?

Porn performers’ personal lives are as varied as the lives of a crowd of non-porn performers’ lives. Porn performers’ reasons for choosing what they do vary as widely as non-porn performers’ reasons for choosing what they do.

Catch my drift, here? Porn performers are regular people. We have lives like regular people and make choices based on complex combinations of internal and external factors, like regular people. Would you really think that with one simple answer, I could tell you why hundreds of individual human beings make the choices they make? That would only be possible if porn performers were robots with pre-programmed microchip brains, produced in factories. (We’re not.)

Is it possible to have a normal career after you’ve starred in porn?

Yes and no.. any career choice after porn that is scrutinized by the public eye should be re-considered.. Once that line is crossed, you can’t take it back as your image is out there for everyone to see. However, I have friends who were well known actors and actresses who were able to move on with their lives into the mainstream.. I have friends who are now programmers, engineers, nurses, etc.

Some have gone to to do things like medical transcriptionist and well that’s the only one I can think of right now off of the top of my head but yes it has been done. Oh and real estate agent. I forgot Sunrise Adams and Raylene. So yes, it is very possible for the girls to move on past porn but the lure of the easy money is no doubt always lingering in the back of their mind and makes adjusting to the real world, with lower wages, all that much harder. Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

How does having a second job in the porno industry affect your main normal career?

Before I answer, I’ll state that the way the in which this question is worded is lacklustre; bordering on mildly insulting. I’d recommend that it should read something more like “How does a career in the porn industry affect any career outside of it?”. Now, to answer your question:

I didn’t always have the adult industry as my primary employment or source of income. In fact, when I first began in porn I was still in the army, and did have porn as my “second job”.

For those who have never served in the armed forces, you may not be aware that your comings and goings will be seen and/or noted by multiple people. It may be noted in the guard commander’s log who left camp and when they returned. You may be asked what you’ve been up to or where you’ve been, simply by friends trying to show interest or by someone up the chain.

Now, while porn is a perfectly legal occupation in the UK (and hasn’t been found to be illegal in any US court), the British Army has a different approach and view to the rest of the population. Disclosure or discovery would have almost certainly resulted in a very quick trial at courts martial. Most likely, this would have been under Section 66 (Disgraceful conduct) or Section 69 (Conduct to prejudice of military discipline) of the Army Act 1955. Cue a dishonourable discharge and forfeiture of pension.

So, I did what any upstanding and honourable non-commissioned officer would do; I lied.

I’ve had several hobbies or pastimes to keep myself entertained over the years, and these could quite often be expensive, time-consuming or seemingly dull to others. I’ve enjoyed scuba diving, autodidactic study of multiple subjects and long motorcycle rides out to nowhere in particular. All of these would lead to me being away from the barracks for the day, or allow me to bore others to death with orations on subjects about which they had no interest and therefore stopped asking me.

I left the army four years later, and it ceased to be the same issue. Now that the adult industry is my primary (nay, sole) occupation, I have to provide similar excuses for a different reason.

When you’re a performer or producer in the adult industry, you’ll become very selective about to whom you disclose your occupation… and it’s not that we’re ashamed of what we do. If you live in Los Angeles, you might just hear “Okay. Cool.”, as a response. If you live elsewhere, the most likely result will be the same questions, ad nauseam.

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

  • “Can you get me in too?” – (the most common by far, as though porn is an occult or secret society like the Illuminati or the Freemasons.)
  • How much do you get paid to screw on camera?” – (None of your business. I’d never be so rude as to ask you about your salary.)
  • Can I get a discount/freebie on your stuff?” – (No. This is a business.)
  • Can I watch you shoot stuff?” – (No, unless you happen to be industry and you’re there to work.)
  • Wanna bang?” (Nope. I’m happily engaged, and don’t have sex with anyone other than her unless it’s for work.)

There are other concerns, such as being denied service, evicted from your rented residence, physical threats to safety – especially true for female performers – or a distinct change in their behaviour towards you. It doesn’t matter that what we do is legal. When people ask, I usually tell them that I’m a consultant or a vague “I work in media”.

TL;DR – You can become very skilled at providing reasonable alternatives to what you’ve been doing.

Is it possible to star in porn without friends and family finding out?

When modelling candidates apply for work with us, we run them through an Info Session, where they learn about what they have to dohow they get paid, and how media of them will be used (on the site itself for paying members, and to promote the site on other sites, freely available)

Part of the “What you have to do” section includes a stern warning, along the lines of, “How would you feel if your father, brother, employer, boyfriend found out about your nude modelling work?”. If models have any hesitation, we recommend they go think about it. This happens perhaps 4 in ten Info Sessions we deliver.

It’s a real risk, though often, it’s the model’s own fault being found out – she tells someone she think she can trust, but she actually shouldn’t have trusted them, and word gets around.

Some other incidents:

  • The Managing Director of a company saw a student of the training academy he managed on our site. She got kicked out, and we got sued (we shot her in her uniform – idiots!).
  • A customer recognised a model (all models are assigned realistic “stage names”), and tagged her with her real name.
  • A co-student at a university recognised a model, and told his friends, word got around
  • An ex-boyfriend knew, and when they broke up, he had large posters printed, and put them up around their small home town
  • We shot a Muslim model, her conservative family found out, “disowned” her, and threatened violence against her

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

So clearly, some of these guys are fucking idiots, but it’s a real risk. Of 1600-odd models shot, around 20 have been busted through no “fault” of their own (ie, unlucky coincidences).

When this happens, models often contact us asking for help. We work with the model to reach an outcome that suits us and her, and limiting access to some shoots in some countries is one option. But, that limitation only applies for people looking at our site, of course – material of hers “in the wild” cannot be controlled by us.

The risks are present in all types of porn, but a larger producer is better known, and likely has their brand exposed to more people than a smaller producer. The risks are greater for female models (as mostly men buy porn, in a huge majority), and the more attractive a woman is (and probably, larger breasts, no tattoos, regular coloured hair – more wholesome), and the “further” she’s willing to go on camera, the greater the risk is, as that imagery is more likely to be used to promote the site.

Cam shows are generally un-recorded, and like stripping, a “fleeting moment”, so perhaps is less likely to cause an “outing”.

Overall, for amateur models, the numbers are on the model’s side – there’s a lot of porn out there, and the chances of being busted are slim… but they do exist, and the consequences can be bad.

What do porn stars do after their career ends?

If they were wise, they planned for it one way or another. Nina Hartley (still has a hot ass) is a sex educator and still making movies both as an actor and a director. Ron Jeremy (genuinely a nice guy) is still making appearances and promoting porn companies and products.

A few have gone on to be successful in mainstream acting (Sasha Grey, Traci Lords). Many are still in adult entertainment somewhere, directing, studio ownership, promotion.

Not every “where are they now” story is as happy as these examples but generally you have a demographic of people who are good at self promotion, have a strong sense of self worth, are at least somewhat fit and attractive and know how to maintain that.

How much struggle do porn stars experience to become porn stars? Is it easy or real tough to get in?

Like any field where there’s a high demand for fresh talent — like professional sports — porn has recruiters who pursue women already in the sex trade, like exotic dancers, dominatrixes, and in very few cases, escorts. (At least, as I understand it, this is how a certain escort who worked at a certain Nevada brothel was enticed into porn.)

Many women contact a production company or a talent agency directly, looking for adult entertainment work. Male talent is also scouted, but much less aggressively. (Yes, coming into the field with an attractive female can make it easier, but doesn’t make it a sure thing.

Some production companies are wary of this approach, as it’s brought in a number of males who have turned into demanding assholes who no one was willing to work with. Since this also affects the career of the woman the guy’s brought in with him, production companies can be a little cautious of dealing with guys like this.)

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

Understand that porn is a very demanding field. If you’re wanting to make it your main career, you’re going to have to be physically fit, and unless you’re in a niche market, reasonably attractive. You can’t be body shy at all, and you have to be able to perform on camera. And if you’re male, you have to be able to maintain an erection for at least fifteen minutes at a time, and be able to produce an ejaculation at a certain time. So yes, there might be some struggle to become a porn actor.

Becoming a porn star is all sorts of extra work. You have to be able to take yourself and turn yourself into a brand. That means marketing, and developing a fanbase. That also means that you are probably going to make this career a job; you’re going to have to put in extra hours in front of a webcam, doing shows, and you’re going to have to put a website up to promote yourself.

You’re going to have to attend trade shows and conventions. And you’re going to have to put free stuff out there for the tube sites, because they’re part of the marketing department. You’re going to be busting your ass managing your career for quite some time before you have the popularity and support to coast.

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

Getting out of a porn career is easy — just stop doing it. Lots of fresh talent do that very thing. You might see a pretty young thing who does a few clips, then suddenly disappears — they probably did it to raise some funds for college or a trip. I’ve seen plenty of people do this.

However, if you’ve put in the work to make porn a viable long-term career, getting out is not going to be so easy. Like any career change, you have to realize that you’re going to have to learn new skills. But unlike most kinds of career changes, you have put yourself out there and gained a certain kind of celebrity — one might call it infamy. There are going to be companies unwilling to hire you, because you did porn. There are going to be people who hate you, because you did porn.

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?

This is another reason why a lot of people get into it for one or two scenes — then completely disappear. They use a disguise in porn — false hair color, fake tattoos — and in their normal lives, they hope no one ever finds out.

But there are other ways out as well. It’s a career where you usually don’t make the transitions between age categories, so growing older is going to end your screen presence eventually. So you can learn to move behind the camera, directing, filming, editing, producing or even becoming an agent or representative for the up-and-coming talent out there. Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?


Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing? An attractive female can make good money in the adult film industry. However most of the female actresses in the industry have extremely poor money management skills and/or expensive drug and shopping addictions. Many end up burnt out and broke within a few years. It’s not common to see a female with a 20 year porn career. Some do but most won’t make it that long.

Many will try to marry a rich guy who will support them financially so they don’t have to work. That seems to be the goal of working in adult film. Use it as a short term gig and you will get invited to parties and connect with wealthy men with hopes of marrying one.

I have a male friend in the industry who works behind the camera. He said there’s no real acting talent. They are “just hookers in front of a camera”. That pretty much sums it up.

Is becoming a porn star a good job or Goood Thing?