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Mouth Corner Dimples – Causes, How Common, How to Get 2024

Mouth Corner Dimples – Causes, How Common, How to Get 2024

Do you mean these? They’re like two dots placed near the corner of the mouth on both sides and appear only when I smile. I’ve always had them. Whoever happens to notice them happens to find them attractive for some reason. Many men have told me they’ve seen dimples like these on someone for the first time. Baffles me.

When I smile, I get “parentheses” around the corners of my mouth. They don’t touch my mouth, though. Do they count as dimples?

I have the same issue and have struggled to find a factual answer. I did my research and spoke to cosmetologists about it, and they told me it’s one of the rarest and most desirable genetic deformations. It is, therefore, a dimple, and people who have it are blessed and unique. It symbolizes good vibes, friendliness, and cheerfulness; everybody loves it. Usually, people with such dimples tend to be very attractive, so my friend, we are among the lucky ones.

How rare is the inferior fovea anguli, or “dimple”?

Wow, great question! I have never considered the population percentage with “fovea inferior anguli oris.” After reading the article that Steven Gaudry posted under this question, I am shocked that, according to author Brittany Brolley, my specific type of mouth dimple is as unique and rare as a unicorn.

I am the only person in my extended family with “fovea inferior anguli oris.” Although dimples result from abnormal facial muscle development, people have complimented me on my smile and mouth corner dimples my whole life, so I have always thought of them as a good feature to have.

Lucky me! šŸ˜ If there are any other Quorans with mouth corner dimples, please comment, and we will see how many of us there are.

How common are dimples on the corners of the mouth?

 The truth about dimples

  • Quora required attribution: “The truth about dimples.”

“Dimples,” it would seem, play by their own rules.

  • A report by professors at the Department of Anatomy at Abant Izzet Baysal University in Turkey revealed that “dimples frequently take place on both” sides of a person’s face.
  • The keyword is frequently. In what researchers called “a rare phenomenon,” it’s possible that a person can possess a unilateral dimple: just one lone dimple on either the left or right side of their face.
  • The “fovea inferior angle oris”ā€”aka one dimple on each side of the mouth cornersā€”is even rarer than this sort of dimple.
  • If you have this unicorn dimple, you should know you’re unique.
  • You’re so unique that science still needs to catch up with you. In their 2017 case report, the researchers in Turkey noted that there hadn’t been any studies demonstrating “the frequency of this different kind [of] dimple”, The truth about dimples.

I have dimples below the corners of my lips called Fovea inferior anguli oris.

Quora required Attribution: I have dimples below the corners of my lips called Fovea inferior anguli oris.

  • ā€œā€ā€ā€ā€ Fun fact: Lots of fancy-sounding medical terms are just simple descriptions translated into a foreign language.
  • Fovea- Latin for a small pit, inferior Latin for below
  • Anguli-Latin for corner
  • Oris is Latin for the mouth.
  • “Doctor, I’ve noticed dimples below the corners of my lips!”
  • The doctor performs a thorough exam.
  • “Well, your test result is in.” “It turns out you have Fovea inferior Anguli Oris.”
  • “OMG, is it serious?”
  • “No, you’re fine.”
  • Level 2 dialysis: “I have dimples below the corners of my lips called Fovea inferior anguli oris. 

How would you define my dimples? Mine are below my mouth, one on one side and two stacked on top of each other on the other. There are also small dimples very close to my mouth’s sides. Does anyone have dimples like I do?

In the comments, I’d also like to add a picture to show my dimples. This what they look like:

Corner mouth dimples, also known as “smile” or “laughter” dimples, are a relatively rare facial feature. They are caused by a variation in the facial muscle structure that results in a small indentation in the skin at the corners of the mouth when a person smiles or laughs.

While there are no exact statistics on the prevalence of corner-mouth dimples, it is estimated that only a small percentage of the population has them. Some studies have suggested that they may be more common in certain ethnic groups or geographic regions, but more research is needed to confirm this.
Overall, while corner mouth dimples are considered a unique and attractive feature by many, they are not very common and may be seen as a distinguishing characteristic of an individual.

How tall is someone?

I think tall starts at 6ā€²

Do you have dimples?

Oh yes!!! I do šŸ˜Œ. Arenā€™t they cute?

What is the rarest type of dimple?

There is another type of dimple that can be encountered rarely, such asĀ fovea mentalisĀ in the lower part of the mouth. It is observed at the bottom and single or double sided of the mouth corners.

While various types of dimples exist, it’s challenging to definitively categorize one type as the “rarest” because the prevalence of dimples can vary among individuals, populations, and ethnic groups. Dimples are caused by variations in facial muscle structure and are usually inherited as a genetic trait.

One type of dimple that is relatively less common is the “fovea buccalis” or the buccinator muscle dimple. This type of dimple occurs on the lower part of the cheek, and it is thought to be less common than dimples on the upper part of the cheek.

It’s important to note that the rarity of dimples can be influenced by genetic factors, and their occurrence can vary across different populations. Dimples can be present on one or both sides of the face, and their prominence can also differ.

Ultimately, the rarity of a specific type of dimple may depend on factors such as genetics, population demographics, and individual variations. If you are interested in the genetics of dimples, it’s worth consulting with a geneticist or a healthcare professional who can provide more detailed information based on your specific circumstances.

Which dimple is most attractive?

Cheek dimplesĀ are often associated with youth and beauty and are seen as an attractive quality in a person’s face, accentuating smiles and making the smile look more cheerful and memorable.

Attraction is highly subjective, and opinions on physical features, including dimples, vary widely from person to person. Beauty standards and preferences are influenced by cultural, societal, and individual factors. Dimples, as a facial feature, are often considered charming by many, and their attractiveness is a matter of personal preference.

Some people find cheek dimples attractive, while others may prefer chin dimples or a combination of both. It’s important to recognize that beauty ideals and preferences are diverse, and there is no universal standard for attractiveness.

Ultimately, what one person finds attractive may not be the same for someone else. Beauty is subjective and encompasses a range of features that contribute to an individual’s unique appearance. If you have dimples, embrace them as a part of your distinctive charm. It’s always essential to focus on qualities that make you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, rather than conforming to external perceptions of attractiveness.

What is the fovea mentalis in the lower part of the mouth?

Fovea mentalis (chin dimple):Ā The chin dimple is formed when the two halves of the lower jawbone fuse improperly in the midline. The resulting defect is perceived as a cleft chin or a dimpled chin. This defect is common in people of European descent.

The term “fovea mentalis” is not a commonly used anatomical term, and it doesn’t refer to a specific structure in the lower part of the mouth. However, there is a well-known anatomical term related to the chin area called the “mental protuberance.”

The mental protuberance is a bony prominence in the lower part of the mandible (jawbone) that forms the anterior (front) part of the chin. It is also sometimes referred to as the “chin” or the “mental region.” The mental protuberance varies in size and prominence among individuals and contributes to the overall shape of the lower face.

If there is a specific context or source where you encountered the term “fovea mentalis” in relation to the lower part of the mouth, it’s possible that it may be a less commonly used term or a specific term used in a particular field or context. In such cases, it would be helpful to refer to the specific source or seek clarification from a relevant professional, such as a dentist or anatomist, for accurate information.

What are rare dimples at the corner of the mouth?

Corner mouth dimples, also known as “smile” or “laughter” dimples, are a relatively rare facial feature. They are caused by a variation in the facial muscle structure that results in a small indentation in the skin at the corners of the mouth when a person smiles or laughs.

Dimples at the corner of the mouth are sometimes referred to as “corner of the mouth dimples” or “mouth corner dimples.” These dimples are located near the outer edges of the lips, and they can occur unilaterally (on one side) or bilaterally (on both sides). While cheek dimples are more common and widely recognized, corner of the mouth dimples are relatively less common.

The presence of dimples, including those at the corner of the mouth, is often determined by genetic factors. They are caused by variations in the facial muscle structure, specifically the zygomaticus major muscle, which is responsible for controlling facial expressions, including smiling.

Like other types of dimples, the occurrence of corner of the mouth dimples is considered a hereditary trait, meaning it may be passed down through generations in families. Individuals with these dimples may find them to be unique and charming features of their facial appearance.

It’s important to note that attractiveness and preferences regarding facial features, including dimples, are highly subjective and vary among individuals. Some people find corner of the mouth dimples to be an endearing and attractive feature, while others may have different preferences.

Why are dimples attractive?

Well, I have dimples.

and I don’t know why they’re considered attractive. They just are. I know that I, and all the guys I have ever been with, find dimples attractive (cute, mainly). I also know that babies with dimples (several of my children have them) make my (and most other people’s) hearts melt. I can only surmise that people find dimples attractive for some evolutionary and biological reasons. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is.
I hope that helps:)

Can cheek dimples appear later in life?

Well, I never had dimples when I was younger. Now I have only one dimple on my right cheek, so it is possible, and it says having only one dimple is rarer than both, so I consider myself lucky for getting dimples later on.

What are those dimples below the eyes but not on the cheeks?

I just looked it up, and it is called the ā€œindian dimpleā€, and as the posts say, theyā€™re quite rare. I assume these are what youā€™re referring to:

Iā€™m blessed with one of those on my upper right cheek:) Hopefully, this is what you mean. Dimples, in general, occur in 20% of the population. But Iā€™ve read in this Koreaboo thread that those dimples are the rarest.

What are whisker dimples or upper cheek dimples?

The zygomaticus major causes facial dimples; it’s the check muscle in your face. In people with dimples, the zygomaticus major is divided into separate muscle bundles on its way down to the mouth. People with whisker dimples have these bundles higher up in the cheek muscle. Whisker dimples seem rare; as far as I know, they are in far eastern Asia.

Is there a term for dimples that appear below the mouth?

If you’re referring to dimples neither at the corner of the mouth nor on the chin but simply under or around the lips, no, there does not seem to be a term for them. I have some asymmetrical, randomly placed dimples both under and slightly over my lips (separate – they’re all short dimples) closer to the sides of my mouth, and I’ve been very curious about them. But after months of searching, I still haven’t been able to find any terms to describe these things.

Why do we get dimples?

When some people smile, they have dimples on one or both cheeks. Other people don’t have dimples. Two theories are predominantly used to explain this phenomenon.

Yeah, that’s me.

A cute congenital disability theory

  • The muscles (zygomaticus major) in the face of a person with dimples are shorter than they are in normal people. Therefore, they pull on the skin when they smile and form an indentation (i.e., a dimple).
  • It is probably due to some developmental fault in the subcutaneous connective tissue during embryonic development.
  • Sometimes, the muscles lengthen during life, and the dimples disappear or lessen as we age. Many babies have them, but many don’t as they grow up.

All in the theory of the gene

  • Dimples are said to be a simple genetic trait.
  • The myth is that dimples are controlled by one gene with two alleles, and the allele for dimples is dominant.
  • If you love the ones that you have, you can thank the genes. If you wish that you had them, blame your parents šŸ˜›

PS: There is no scientific proof with any genetic evidence on cheek dimples.

Do I have dimples? (PICTURE) I know it’s awkward but is t bad? Will my dimples get deeper if I grow older? (I’m 14) it only happens when I smile.

If you have dimples, consider yourself very fortunate. I think dimples are one of the cutest things about someone. I would love to have them!

What is the small vertical line or wrinkle underneath the bottom lip called?

Originally Answered: How is the small vertical line or wrinkle just underneath the bottom lip called?

It’s called the mental cleft. There’s a bilateral pair of muscles called the mentalis muscles (pronounced men-TAY-lis) that extend from the bone just below the teeth to the connective tissues of the chin. In some people, those muscles are large enough that a cleft appears between them, hence the name “mental cleft.” The size of these musclesā€”hence the presence or absence of the apertureā€”is a hereditary trait. It is my textbook illustration of genetics.

Is it rare to have a dimple on the mouth corner but only on the right?

Dimples are little holes that can appear on any part of the face, and about 20% of people have facial dimples, including upper cheek dimples, chin dimples, mouth corner dimples, etc. 20% is equal to 1 in 5 people, so they aren’t really that rare but also aren’t something you will find in every person. But unilateral (one side of the face) facial dimples tend to be a bit more uncommon than bilateral ones (both sides of the face)

How tall is 5’2″ compared to 5’10”?

Itā€™s eight inches shorter. Do you want a picture or something?

It is a picture from when I re-enlisted in 2008. Iā€™m the short bloke on the left. Iā€™m 5ā€²2ā€³. The Warrant Officer Iā€™m shaking hands with is about 5ā€²10ā€³, or maybe a little taller.

Why and how are dimples formed?

Originally Answered: Why and how are dimples formed?

A muscle deformity!

Don’t get me wrong, but that’s how it is. The cute dimple on the cheek results due to a deformity in a muscle on the face called zygomaticus major. The presence of a double or bifid zygomaticus major muscle results in a gap that creates dimples.

Wish all deformities be seen as beauty !!

Why do some people only have one dimple?

I have only one dimple on my face (the right side). When I was younger, I had two dimples. Dimples occur when your cheek muscles are too short, but your muscles can loosen/lengthen as you grow up or get older, which causes your dimples to disappear. This is why babies with dimples often lose them as they grow up. In my case, the muscle on the left side of the face has lengthened, causing the dimple to disappear. My mom has two dimples!

What does it mean if you have a short forehead?

It means two things. Hats that fit properly may be hard to find. And a receding hairline will not happen as early as usual ( yay! ) Skull size and shape have nothing to do with intelligence, talent, emotions, attractiveness, or any other brain attribute as long as the total size is within normal limits, which is a wide range. Hairlines mean even less, except for men who are bothered by a receding hairline, a genetic trait inherited through their motherā€™s genes.

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I have a dimple on my cheek that’s slowly disappearing. What can I do to stop that?

Originally Answered: A dimple on my cheek is slowly disappearing. What can I do to stop that?
I have a slightly more hopeful response than the rest: you might need to adjust your smile until the dimple reappears.

Dimples, I spent time playing with them in the mirror. About a decade ago, I noticed that I have dimples if I smile with the corners of my mouth, keeping my top lip covering more of my upper teeth! I had never had them before and always wanted some. So, after 30ish years without dimples, I spent a few minutes making faces in the mirror one night when bored, and boom, I saved the money on dimple-adding plastic surgery (which I would never have bothered with anyway).

Speaking of which, though, that is a thing: you can add dimples surgically. Dimple Surgery | Cosmetically Creating Dimples | Cosmetic Surgery Today

How to Get Mouth Corner Dimples Naturally

If you were born without dimples and prefer getting them, there are natural ways to achieve them. It means there is no need to resort to plastic surgery if these natural methods work:

  1. Pucker Up

Pucker your lips and suck your cheeks into your mouth. Avoid clenching your teeth when doing this. Your cheeks should slightly curve inward while you do this. Hold this for as long as you can, and then relax. Repeat this as many times as you can.

  1. Use Your Fingers to ā€œCreaseā€ Your Face

Feel around your face to find the thinnest part of your cheeks. It is where the dimples would form if you had them. Hold down that part of your cheek using your index fingers and smile. Check yourself in the mirror to see if it looks right. Reposition your fingers if necessary.

Let go of your cheeks while still smiling. The dimples should still be there for a while. Note that this will only temporarily give the impression of having dimples (no pun intended). Still, it should be enough when you want to take selfies.

If you want to make them last a lifetime, hold the dimples in for at least 30 minutes daily. Do this exercise regularly, and you will have small recessions in your cheeks.

Hereā€™s a bit of a disclaimer, though. There is no guarantee that these exercises work. Most testimonials that said these exercises work is anecdotal and unverifiable.

  1. Use Makeup

You can also use makeup to mimic the look of dimples. Professional makeup artists have this technique down pat. However, if you are a beginner, here are the steps to recreate dimples using simple makeup:

Gauge the location of the ā€œdimples.ā€

Look in the mirror and smile. Natural creases should appear at the corners of your mouth. Your ā€œdimplesā€ should be placed just outside them. When smiling, make sure that you do so naturally. This will make your dimples look more natural.

Mark the positions of your dimples.

Use a dark brown eyeliner or eyebrow pen to mark the positions of your dimples. Place the dot where you want the top of the dimples to be. Dark brown makeup is ideal because it will blend better than black or other coloured makeup.

Draw crescents on your cheeks.

Relax the muscles in your face. Draw small crescents coming down from the dots you made earlier. Use the same eyeliner or eyebrow pencil with which you made the initial mark. Ensure the line does not extend more than an inch below the mark. Also, make the line just slightly curved.

Blend and Re-draw If Needed

Blend the line into your skin using a smudge stick or just the tips of your fingers. Check in the mirror if it looks good enough. If not, you can add more makeup until it looks natural.

  1. Get Cheek Piercings

For many years, cheek piercings have been mainstream, at least in the body modification industry. These piercings can mimic the look of dimples. You only get cheek piercings from a professional and reputable body piercer.

Also, let the piercings heal before you remove the jewellery. Removing the jewellery too early might not create a dimple that is deep enough to notice. Once the piercing heals properly, you can remove the jewellery and let the piercing close naturally.

Once the piercing closes, a bit of scar tissue will be left. It will not be visible but give you an artificial dimple whenever you smile. The problem with this method is that the dimples might look different. The reason is that you will rely more on how the piercings would heal.

Why do I have mouth-corner dimples?

Technically known as fovea buccal, cheek dimples are caused by the irregular growth of a certain facial muscle during embryonic development. This muscle is shortened, causing our skin to stretch and pulling our lips behind us into corners when we smile.

Why do the corners of my mouth look weird?

Saliva collects at the corners of the mouth and causes dryness.Ā Very dry skin in this area can lead to angular cheilitis. Over time, the dry skin may crack open. Sometimes bacteria or fungi get into the cracks, which can cause inflammation or an infection.

How rare are fovea inferior anguli oris?

Answer and Explanation: Yes, fovea inferior anguli oris is rare. Although it is common to have cheek dimples (37%), the majority of people who have dimples do not have fovea inferior anguli oris.