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Ecological Validity in Psychology: Explanation & Definition

Ecological Validity in Psychology: Explanation & Definition

In behavioral science, ecological validity refers to the decision of whether a given study’s variables and conclusions are sufficiently relevant to its population.

In contrast to traditional assumptions of validity, ecological validity is not necessarily related to the methodological validity of a study.

Table of Contents

  • What is ecological validity in research?
  • Why is ecological validity important?
  • What is the difference between external and ecological validity?
  • Why is low ecological validity a weakness?
  • What is an example of face validity?
  • What are the 4 types of validity?
  • What are the two types of external validity?
  • What is validity in psychology?
  • How do you increase validity?

What is ecological validity in research?

Ecological validity, in psychology, is a measure of test performance predicting behavior in real-world settings.

However designs and findings in studies characterized by low ecological validity cannot be generalized to real-life situations with higher ecological validity.

The utility of ecological validity as a concept, however, raises some questions on the importance of psychological realism (i.e., how important are the processes seen in the experiment mirror in everyday life).

Why is ecological validity important?

When research has high ecological validity it means that the behaviors recorded within the research can be applied in everyday life. This means that the results are more useful.

What is the difference between external and ecological validity?

Ecological validitty is a specific type of external validitty. External validity refers to your ability to generalize your experimental results across populations, locations, and times; Ecological validitty limits how experimental results apply to today’s society.

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Why is low ecological validity a weakness?

The drawback of a study with high ecological validitty may be that it would be difficult to maintain control.

If people are studied in a natural, everyday setting, it can be difficult to prove that a real cause and effect has been found.

For example, Piliawins’ study was conducted on New York underground, although it tested helping behavior in real-life situations, and the study was conducted on the same metro for 11–3 hours and therefore people The study would have already made estimates.

For this purpose, the characteristics of demand are shown and not how they will actually function.

However there are strengths of studies that lack ecological validtity. For example, studies with lower ecological validitty are easier to replicate and will therefore increase reliability.

The ability to replicate a study also enhances the scientific nature of research and ultimately psychology’s reputation as a science.

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What is an example of face validity?

Face validity, also known as logical validity, is a simple form of validity, where you apply a superficial and subjective assessment of what your study or test should measure or not.

You can consider it similar to “face value”, where you skim the surface to form an opinion. This is the easiest method of validity to apply to research.

Ecological Validity in Psychology
Ecological Validity in Psychology

However, this generally does not involve much (if any) method of objective measurement.

Therefore, it is often criticized as the weakest form of legitimacy.

For example, IQ tests are considered to measure intelligence.

If this intelligence is measured correctly the test will be valid.

Very early IQ tests often feature photographs of missing objects, such as a tennis ball missing from the court, or a chimney missing from home.

At face value, the test was considered valid and fair for speakers of languages ​​other than English, as pictures are a universal language.

However, the test was actually biased against the poor, who would never have seen a tennis court.

It was also biased against people in some Christian countries who thought across from a chimney was missing from the roof.

What are the 4 types of validity?

To check the validity of an instrument, there are four levels of analysis:

1) Face validity
2) Content validity
3) Criterion-related validity (predictive or concurrent), and
4) Construct validity.

What are the two types of external validity?

There are two main types of external validity: population validity and ecologicall validity.

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What is validity in psychology?

Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. It is necessary for the test to be valid so that the results can be applied and interpreted correctly.

How do you increase validity?

You can increase the validity of an experiment by controlling more variables, improving measurement techniques, increasing randomization to reduce sampling bias, blinding the experiment, and adding control or placebo groups.

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